MODEGAT III: Special issue of CJChE published

Next MODEGAT symposium scheduled for September 2015

We are happy to announce that the special issue section of The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering for MODEGAT III invited articles appears within the September 2014 issue (92#9) of CJChE.


MODEGAT: Modeling of Exhaust-Gas After-Treatment

  • Tagung:

    International Symposium on Modeling of  Exhaust-Gas After-Treatment (MODEGAT III)

  • Tagungsort:Bad Herrenalb/ Kalrsruhe, Germany
  • Datum:

    08.09.2013 - 10.09.2013

Welcome to the

3rd International Symposium on Modeling of Exhaust-Gas After-Treatment


8th - 10th September 2013
Bad Herrenalb/ Karlsruhe


Conference Announcement                                                                                                      

Symposium Program

Book of Abstracts, poster and oral presentations (September 2013)


Information (Book of Abstracts, etc.) about MODEGAT II (September 2011)

We would like to thank all participants for their contributions and a successful event! 



Abstract Submission: April 15, 2013 (abstract for oral/ paper)
  July 31, 2013 (poster)
Paper Submission:

June 30, 2013 

Online Registration: February 1, 2013 (Begin) - August 15, 2013 (End)

Registration (closed)

Der Gültigkeitszeitraum für dieses Formular ist abgelaufen. (01.02.2013 00:00:00 - 15.08.2013 01:00:00)

Symposium Purpose

After the very positive response on the previous International Symposiums on Modeling of Exhaust- Gas After-Treatment in September 2009 and 2011 in Bad Herrenalb, the third symposium will be held at the same location on September, 9-10, 2013. The symposium will cover all relevant systems: Diesel Oxidation Catalysts (DOC), Three-Way Catalysts, SCR-techniques, NOx Storages Catalysts (NSC), and Particulate Filters. The symposium purpose is to support the exchange of state-of-the-art and novel modelling and simulation techniques, fundamental mechanistic studies, experimental modell validation and technical applications of modelling and simlutaion among researchers, scientists, and engineers from industry and academia. The location, program, and low conference fee is set up to boost open discussions and new collaborations.
Introductory lectures will provide the newcomer to the field with an overview of the state of the art.  Contributed presentations and posters will provide the experts with a platform to discuss current development directions and  most urgent open problems.

Scientific Committee

D. Chatterjee (MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH)

O. Deutschmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

R.E. Hayes (University of Alberta)

G. Koltsakis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

M. Marek (Prague)

E. Tronconi (Politecnico di Milano)

M. Votsmeier (Umicore AG & Co. KG)

Introductory Lectures

Michael P. Harold, University of Houston

Athanasios G. Konstandopoulos, Thessaloniki

Enrico Tronconi, Politecnico di Milano

Galen B. Fisher, University of Michigan


Abstract Submission
One page abstracts for oral and poster presentations should be submitted before April 15, 2013 as Word (or RTF) and PDF file via email to symposium2013∂ Please use the template that can be downloaded here. One-page abstracts for work-in-progress posters (not considered for journal publication) should be submitted until July 31, 2013.

The best papers will be published in a peer reviewed journal. All authors submitting an abstract (oral or poster) until April 15, 2013 will receive further information.

Oral presentations
Introductory talks of 45 minutes and contributed talks of 15 minutes will be given.

Poster presentations
Posters will be presented in a poster session. They will be on display during the whole symposium. The maximum poster size is format A0: 119 cm x 84 cm (height x width).

Location and Accommodation

Conference Center and Hotel

Haus der Kirche - Evangelische Akademie Baden
Protestant Academy Baden
Dobler Str. 51, 76332 Bad Herrenalb, Germany
The Protestant Academy is a small conference centre and hotel in a beautiful setting in the black forest.

Public Transport

ICE to Karlsruhe. local tram S1 from Karlsruhe main station (Hauptbahnhof) to Bad Herrenalb, runs hourly between 6:00 and 0:00. 10 minutes walking, by bus, or by taxi to Church House (Haus der Kirche)


Exit Ettlingen/Bad Herrenalb on A5 (Frankfurt-Basel) >> through the Alb valley to Bad Herrenalb (25 km) >> in town centre, left to Dobel/Pforzheim >> 300 meters uphill >> Haus der Kirche on the left, parking 50 m on the right.




Fees and Payment

The symposium fee is 400 Euro (Students: 300 Euro). The fee includes accommodation for two nights (8th- 10th September) and all meals. The scientific program runs from 9:00 on 9th until 16:00 on 10th.

Please note that it is not possible to pay by credit card. Please use wire transfer (bank details are given on the invoice) or pay by chash on site (50 EUR surcharge for cash payment).

Also note the limited number of 100 paricipants; participation and accommodation in the conference hotel on a first-come-first-served basis!

Your online registration is for both, the conference and a single-bed non-smoking hotel room at the conference center. If you have any particular needs for the hotel, please register online and then send your particular request via Email to symposium2013∂


Please note that registration is closed.


Conference check-in on site (for already registered participants only):

Sunday, 08 September, 2013, 17:00-18:30

Monday, 09 September, 2013, from 8:00




Daniel Chatterjee, MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH

Olaf Deutschmann, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Martin Votsmeier, Umicore AG & Co. KG





Further links:

Exhaust-Gas Center Karlsruhe