Education/ Degrees

2001 Habilitation / Privatdozent (Venia legendi in Physical Chemistry)
Department of Chemistry, University of Heidelberg
Thesis: Interactions between transport and chemistry in catalytic reactors
Mentor: Jürgen Warnatz
1996 PhD in Chemistry (Dr. rer. nat.)
Department of Chemistry, University of Heidelberg
PhD thesis: Modeling of Surface Reactions and their Coupling with Chemically Reacting Flows
Advisor: Jürgen Warnatz
1991 MS in Physics (Diplom-Physiker)
Technical University "Otto von Guericke" Magdeburg
MS thesis: Theoretical Investigation of Flame Instabilities and their Description with Chaos-Theory
Advisor: Rainer Grabski

Work History

since 11/06

KIT (former University of Karlsruhe), Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry
(W3/Full, Chair in Chemical Technology)

 4/03 - 10/06

University of Karlsruhe, Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry
Professor (C3/Assoc.)
 8/98 -  3/03 University of Heidelberg, Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR)
Assistant Professor (Wiss. Assistent / Hochschuldozent)
 7/98 -  8/98 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Division of Chemical Science and Technology, Los Alamos, NM, USA
 4/97 -  6/98 University of Minnesota, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Lanny D. Schmidt
11/94 -  3/97 University of Heidelberg, Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR)
Research Fellow with Jürgen Warnatz
 3/92 - 10/94 University of Stuttgart, Institute for Technical Combustion
Research Fellow with Jürgen Warnatz


2018 Fellow of The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, USA, for pioneering research in heterogeneous catalysis in support of combustion and energy-conversion technologies.
2006 Offer for Chair in Combustion Technology at University of Stuttgart (declined)


DECHEMA Award of the Max Buchner Research Foundation


Distinguished Lecturer Series, Catalysis Center of the University of California at Berkeley


Research Fellowship of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for a one-year research visit abroad


Hermann - Oberth - Medal in Silver, Student Award of the International Astronautical Federation


Award of the Department of Science for best graduation of the year, Technical University of Magdeburg


Further Activities

2020 Co-Speaker of National Research Data Infrastructure for for Catalysis-Related Sciences "NFDI4Cat" 
2017 Visiting Professor (6 months) at Colorado School of Mines, Dept. Mech. Eng., working with Robert J. Kee
since 2016 Adjunct member of the KIT Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
2015-2018 Editorial Board of "International Journal of Chemical Kinetics"
since 2014 Editorial Board of "Journal of Emission Control Science and Technology"
since 2014 Coordinator at KIT of the DFG Collaborative Research Centre (SFB/TRR150) "Turbulent, chemically reacting, multi-phase flows near walls"
since 2013 Editorial Board of "The Proceedings of The Combustion Institute"
since 2013 Member of the Board (Beirat) of the Working group (Fachgruppe) "Reaction Engineering" (Reaktionstechnik) of ProcessNet
since 2011 Head of Exhaus-Gas Center Karlsruhe

since 2011

Head of Division "Modeling and Simulation" and Member of the Board of Directors at Institute for Catalysis Research and Technology (IKFT) of KIT

since 2010 Speaker of the Helmholtz Research School Energy-Related Catalysis
since 2009 Head of Enermat Lab (Materials for Energy Systems and Processes), collaboration of EIFER and KIT
since 2008 Director of Steinbeis Transfer Center Reactive Flows, an enterprise of the Steinbeis GmbH & Co. KG für Technologietransfer, Stuttgart, Germany
2008 - 2011 Vice Dean (Chemistry) of Faculty of Chemistry and Biosciences
2007 - 2012 Head of Group “Chemical Process Engineering” at Institute for Nuclear and Energy Technologies (IKET) of KIT (former Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
2007 - 2011 Speaker of the research field “Fuel and Combustion” at KIT
2005 - 2010 Editorial Board of „Combustion and Flame“

2005 - 2007   


 Chairman of the Karlsruhe Chemical Society