The basic idea of all research topics is the connection between the molecular structure of polymers and the mechanical properties or application properties of the polymer material. This results in the synthesis of model polymers with defined properties, e.g. topology on the one hand, and the characterization of mechanical properties using rheological and other characterization methods on the other.
Further information about our research can be found under the links in the title banner above.

The 8th seminar of the Prof. Wilhelm working group took place from 18-20 September 2024 at the Gernsbach Paper Centre (Black Forest). In the peaceful surroundings on the outskirts of the town, the basics of important methods and theories for the entire working group were discussed, with one aspect also focussing on science in philosophy and epistemology.
Impressions during the seminar
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Prof Mandfred Wilhelm is involved in science funding: he is a new member of the DFG Review Board 3.16 Polymer Research 3.16-01 Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers.

Yet another addition to our equipment! With the new sample changer, even time-consuming measurements can be carried out conveniently with the Medium-Field-NMR device from Magritek. Examples are 2D-NMR measurements, both in 1H and 13C, which are now possible around the clock.
Prof. Wilhelm as an Examiner for an Phd "Combined Methods in SEC" at the University of Amsterdam at September 2023, 28th. There a PhD-Exam is really tradition-conscious and solemn!