Teaching summer semester 2023 (group Prof. Wilhelm)

Summer semester 2023: Teaching in presence, registration via Ilias courses
Title |
Nb. |
Studies |
Start |
Planned execution |
Link |
Chemistry and Physics of Macromolecules |
Chemistry MatWiss |
CW16 19.4. |
Registration necessary (Ilias) Materials in Ilias |
Introduction to Rheology |
Registration necessary (Ilias) Materials in Ilias |
Title |
Nb. |
Studies |
Start |
Planned execution and registration |
Link |
Practical course |
5408/5411 |
Chemistry |
? |
Registration required (Ilias) |
Practical course Rheology + Seminar |
5503 |
Matwiss |
? |
Registration necessary (Ilias) |
General study at KIT
From 17.4.2023 the lecture period will begin.
Lectures in the Wilhelm Group (AKW)
Prof. Wilhelm's lectures both require registration in the ILIAS system, but will take place in presence. Please refer to the ILIAS courses for further information.
Practical course polymer chemistry
Both the practical course "Polymer Basic Practical Course Master Chemistry, Program A/C", the seminar on this (5513)
as well as the practical course "Applied Chemistry for Bachelor Students" (5408) and the seminar on this (5411) are administered in a common ilias course.
At the beginning of the semester (until 28.4.) the registration (in the Iliaskurs) must take place, so that the need is clarified.
The experiments take place in presence, the accompanying seminar in presence/online.
There will be a preliminary meeting on 2.5. at 14:00 (seminar room 104 Geb. 11.21), where all details will be discussed.
Practical course Rheology (MatWiss)
At the beginning of the semester (by 5/14), registration must be made (in the ilias course) so that the need is clarified.
The experiments take place in presence, the accompanying seminar in presence/digital.
There are videos in the on-demand stream for all experiments, which also cover basics of the experiments.
In addition, there are teaching units in on-demand streaming.
There will be a preliminary meeting on 16.5. (14 pm, seminar room 104 Geb. 11.21), where all details will be discussed.