Dr. Patrick Lott
- Gruppenleiter
- Chief Technology Officer
- Raum: 215
CS 11.23 - Tel.: +49 721 608-42782
- patrick lott ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- www.itcp.kit.edu/deutschmann/english/people_1858.php
- Engesserstr. 18
76131 Karlsruhe
Technologies for reduction of local and global pollutants
Sustainable hydrogen production and carbon capture technologies
Carbon-free energy carriers and decarbonization
Dynamics of chemical reactors, processes, and heterogeneous catalysts
Preparation, characterization, and kinetic testing of heterogeneous catalysts
In-situ investigation of chemical reactors with spatial and temporal resolution
October 2016 – December 2019 |
Dr. rer. nat. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) PhD Thesis: Exhaust Gas After-Treatment of Lean-Operated Natural Gas Engines over Palladium-based Methane Oxidation Catalysts
October 2014 – September 2016 |
M.Sc. Chemistry Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Master's Thesis: Oxidation von Methan an Edelmetallkatalysatoren zur Abgasnachbehandlung |
October 2011 – September 2014 |
B.Sc. Chemistry Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Bachelor's Thesis: Gasphasen-Photodissoziationsspektroskopie an Metallporphyrinen |
Work History
Since August 2024 |
Deputy of the Chair "Chemical Technology" Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry (ITCP)
Since January 2020 |
Senior Scientist Head of "Catalytic Reactors" group Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry (ITCP)
July 2019 – September 2019 |
Visiting Researcher University of Houston (UH) Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
October 2016 – December 2019 |
Junior Scientist Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry (ITCP) |
December 2023
FCTKA Award 2023 Freunde der Chemischen Technik Karlsruhe e.V.
December 2020
Excellence Award VAA Foundation
July 2019 – September 2019
Research Travel Grant Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS)
March 2017 – February 2019 |
Doktorandenstipendium Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (FCI) |
Publications: Journal articles
[53] |
Roadmap to Catalytic Abatement of Gas Phase Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) P. Lott, F. Maurer, A. Beck, Angew. Chem., 2025, e202424718. |
[52] |
A techno-economic assessment of pyrolysis processes for carbon capture, hydrogen and syngas production from variable methane sources: Comparison with steam reforming, water electrolysis, and coal gasification A. Celik, I. Ben Othman, Y. Neudeck, O. Deutschmann, P. Lott, Energy Convers. Manage., 326, 2025, 119414. |
[51] |
Spatially Resolved Measurements in a Stagnation-Flow Reactor: Kinetics of Catalytic NH3 Decomposition S. Davari, C. Cárdenas, M. Hettel, P. Lott, S. Tischer, S. Angeli, O. Deutschmann, Chem. Ing. Tech., 96, 2024, 1735-1750. |
[50] |
Influence of Dopants on Pt/Al2O3-Based Monolithic Catalysts for Autothermal Oxidative Coupling of Methane S. Schardt, S. Bastian, A. Celik, J. Chawla, P. Lott, Catalysts, 14, 2024, 785. |
[49] |
CO2‐free production of hydrogen via pyrolysis of natural gas: influence of non‐methane hydrocarbons on product composition, methane conversion, hydrogen yield, and carbon capture A. Celik, I. Ben Othman, H. Müller, O. Deutschmann, P. Lott, Discov. Chem. Eng., 4, 2024, 29. |
[48] |
Investigating the formation of soot in CH4 pyrolysis reactor: a numerical, experimental, and characterization study A. B. Shirsath, M. Mokashi, R. Pashminehazar, A. Celik, P. Lott, S. Tischer, J.-D. Grunwaldt, O. Deutschmann, Carbon, 231, 2025, 119689. |
[47] |
Temperature-dependent frequency control of TWC operation for efficient CH4 and NOx abatement of stoichiometric natural gas engines D. Hodonj, B. Thiele, O. Deutschmann, P. Lott, Chem. Eng. J., 499, 2024, 155852. |
[46] |
Kinetics of thermal dry reforming of methane for syngas production and solid carbon capture M. Mokashi, A. B. Shirsath, S. Demir, A. Celik, P. Lott, S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann, React. Chem. Eng., 9, 2024, 2902-2914. |
[45] |
On the role of hydrogen inhibition in gas-phase methane pyrolysis for carbon capture and hydrogen production in a tubular flow reactor A. Celik, A. B. Shirsath, F. Syla, H. Müller, P. Lott, O. Deutschmann, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis, 181, 2024, 106628. |
[44] |
Elucidating the Role of the State of Pd in the H2-SCR of NOx by Operando XANES and DRIFTS T. J. Eldridge, M. Borchers, P. Lott, J.-D. Grunwaldt, D. E. Doronkin, Catal. Sci. Technol., 14, 2024, 4198-4210. |
[43] |
Spatiotemporal insights into forced dynamic reactor operation for fast light-off of Pd-based methane oxidation catalysts K. Keller, D. Hodonj, L. Zeh, L. Caulfield, E. Sauter, C. Wöll, O. Deutschmann, P. Lott, Catal. Sci. Technol., 14, 2024, 4142-4153. |
[42] |
A laboratory scale fast feedback characterization loop for optimizing coated catalysts for emission control T. Delrieux, S. Sharma, F. Maurer, P. Dolcet, M. Lausch, A. Zimina, C. Cárdenas, P. Lott, M. Casapu, T.L. Sheppard, J.-D. Grunwaldt, React. Chem. Eng., 9, 2024, 2868-2881. |
[41] |
Innovative engine test bench set-up for testing of exhaust gas aftertreatment and detailed gas species analysis for CNG-SI-operation S. Tomin, K. Keller, U. Wagner, P. Lott, T. Koch, O. Deutschmann, Automot. Engine Technol., 9, 2024, 2. |
[40] |
Autothermal oxidative coupling of methane over Pt/Al2O3 catalysts doped with rare earth oxides S. Schardt, F. Ehrlich, P. Lott, Chem. Ing. Tech., 96, 2024, 840-849. |
[39] |
Reducing Emissions from Lean-Burn Hydrogen Combustion Engines Using a State-of-the-Art Oxidation Catalyst and a VWTi-Based SCR Catalyst: Potentials and Challenges P. Lott, K. Schäfer, O. Deutschmann, M. Werner, P. Weinmann, L. Zimmermann, H. Többen, SAE Technical Paper 2024-01-2634, 2024. |
[38] |
Methane pyrolysis in packed bed reactors: Kinetic modeling, numerical simulations, and experimental insights M. Mokashi, A. B. Shirsath, A. Celik, P. Lott, H. Müller, S. Tischer, L. Maier, J. Bode, D. Schlereth, F. Scheiff, D. Flick, M. Bender, K. Ehrhardt, O. Deutschmann, Chem. Eng. J., 485, 2024, 149684. |
[37] |
Unlocking the Mysteries of Technical Catalyst Deactivation: A View from Space S. Sharma, F. Maurer, P. Lott, T. L. Sheppard, ChemCatChem, 16, 2024, e202301655. |
[36] |
Detailed kinetic modeling of catalytic oxidative coupling of methane J. Chawla, S. Schardt, P. Lott, S. Angeli, S. Tischer, L. Maier, O. Deutschmann, Chem. Eng. J., 482, 2024, 148719. |
[35] |
Impact of operation parameters and lambda input signal during lambda-dithering of three-way catalysts for low-temperature performance enhancement D. Hodonj, M. Borchers, L. Zeh, G. T. Hoang, S. Tischer, P. Lott, O. Deutschmann, Appl. Catal. B, 345, 2024, 123657. |
[34] |
Understanding of gas-phase methane pyrolysis towards hydrogen and solid carbon with detailed kinetic simulations and experiments M. Mokashi, A. B. Shirsath, P. Lott, H. Müller, S. Tischer, L. Maier, O. Deutschmann, Chem. Eng. J., 479, 2024, 147556. |
[33] |
Experimental investigation of NO reduction by H2 on Pd using planar laser-induced fluorescence S. Wan, T. Häber, P. Lott, R. Suntz, O. Deutschmann, Appl. Energy Combust. Sci., 16, 2023, 100229. |
[32] |
Pyrolysis of biogas for carbon capture and carbon dioxide-free production of hydrogen A. Celik, I. Ben Othman, H. Müller, P. Lott, O. Deutschmann, React. Chem. Eng., 9, 2024, 108-118. |
[31] |
A review on exhaust gas after-treatment of lean-burn natural gas engines – From fundamentals to application P. Lott, M. Casapu, J.-D. Grunwaldt, O. Deutschmann, Appl. Catal. B, 340, 2024, 123241. |
[30] |
Automated Generation of Microkinetics for Heterogeneously Catalyzed Reactions Considering Correlated Uncertainties B. Kreitz, P. Lott, A. J. Medford, F. Studt, O. Deutschmann, C. F. Goldsmith, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 62, 2023, e202306514. |
[29] |
Formation of N2O in the Exhaust Line of Combustion Engines H. Többen, P. Weinmann, T. Wolf, P. Lott, S. Bastian, O. Deutschmann, SAE Technical Paper 2023-01-05045, 2023. |
[28] |
Methane oxidation over PdO: Towards a better understanding of the influence of the support material K. Keller, P. Lott, S. Tischer, M. Casapu, J.-D. Grunwaldt, O. Deutschmann, ChemCatChem, 15, 2023, e202300366. |
[27] |
Automating the Optimization of Catalytic Reaction Mechanism Parameters Using Basin-Hopping: A Proof of Concept R. Chacko, K. Keller, S. Tischer, A. B. Shirsath, P. Lott, S. Angeli, O. Deutschmann, J. Phys. Chem. C, 127, 2023, 7628-7639. |
[26] |
Soot Formation in Methane Pyrolysis Reactor: Modeling Soot Growth and Particle Characterization A. B. Shirsath, M. Mokashi, P. Lott, H. Müller, R. Pashminehazar, T. Sheppard, S. Tischer, L. Maier, J.-D. Grunwaldt, O. Deutschmann, J. Phys. Chem. A, 127, 2023, 2136-2147. |
[25] |
Formation of nitrous oxide over Pt-Pd oxidation catalysts: Secondary emissions by interaction of hydrocarbons and nitric oxide P. Lott, S. Bastian, H. Többen, L. Zimmermann, O. Deutschmann, Appl. Catal. A, 651, 2023, 119028. |
[24] |
MOx@VOx-Pd-type Nanorods and Nanotubes as Catalysts for Selective Reduction of NO L. Warmuth, P. Lott, O. Deutschmann, C. Feldmann, ChemCatChem, 15, 2022, e202201254. |
[23] |
Selective Catalytic Reduction with Hydrogen for Exhaust gas after-treatment of Hydrogen Combustion Engines M. Borchers, P. Lott, O. Deutschmann, Top. Catal., 66, 2023, 973-984. |
[22] |
Hydrogen Production and Carbon Capture by Gas Phase Methane Pyrolysis: A Feasibility Study P. Lott, M. B. Mokashi, H. Müller, D. J. Heitlinger, S. Lichtenberg, A. B. Shirsath, C. Janzer, S. Tischer, L. Maier, O. Deutschmann, ChemSusChem, 16, 2023, e202201720. |
[21] |
Detailed Microkinetics for the Oxidation of Exhaust Gas Emissions through Automated Mechanism Generation B. Kreitz, P. Lott, J. Bae, K. Blöndal, S. Angeli, Z. W. Ulissi, F. Studt, C. F. Goldsmith, O. Deutschmann, ACS Catal., 12, 2022, 11137-11151. |
[20] |
Treating NOx emission of hydrogen fueled combustion engines by NOx storage and reduction catalysts: A transient kinetic study including PLIF measurements K. Keller, S. Wan, M. Borchers, P. Lott, R. Suntz, O. Deutschmann, Proc. Combust. Inst., 39, 2023, 4247-4256. |
[19] |
Heterogeneous chemical reactions—A cornerstone in emission reduction of local pollutants and greenhouse gases P. Lott, O. Deutschmann, Proc. Combust. Inst., 39, 2023, 3183-3215. |
[18] |
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of NO Oxidation on Pt/Al2O3- and NOx Storage on Pt/BaO/Al2O3-Catalysts S. Wan, K. Keller, P. Lott, A. B. Shirsath, S. Tischer, T. Häber, R. Suntz, O. Deutschmann, Catal. Sci. Technol., 12, 2022, 4456-4470. |
[17] |
Spatially Resolved Measurements of HNCO Hydrolysis over SCR Catalysts M. Eck, P. Lott, D. Schweigert, M. Börnhorst, O. Deutschmann, Chem. Ing. Tech., 94, 5, 2022, 738-746. |
[16] |
Oxidative Coupling of Methane over Pt/Al2O3 at High Temperature: Multiscale Modeling of the Catalytic Monolith J. Chawla, S. Schardt, S. Angeli, P. Lott, S. Tischer, L. Maier, O. Deutschmann, Catalysts, 12, 2022, 189. |
[15] |
Der Wasserstoffmotor – Chancen und Herausforderungen auf dem Weg zu einer dekarbonisierten Mobilität P. Lott, U. Wagner, T. Koch, O. Deutschmann, Chem. Ing. Tech., 94, 3, 2022, 1-14. |
[14] |
Spatiotemporal Investigation of the Temperature and Structure of a Pt/CeO2 Oxidation Catalyst for CO and Hydrocarbon Oxidation during Pulse Activation F. Maurer, A. Gänzler, P. Lott, B. Betz, M. Votsmeier, S. Loridant, P. Vernoux, V. Murzin, B. Bornmann, R. Frahm, O. Deutschmann, M. Casapu, J.-D. Grunwaldt, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 60, 18, 2021, 6662-6675. |
[13] |
Effects of Hydrothermal Aging on CO and NO Oxidation Activity Over Monometallic and Bimetallic Pt-Pd Catalysts J. Schütz, H. Störmer, P. Lott, O. Deutschmann, Catalysts, 11, 2021, 300. |
[12] |
Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx with H2 for Cleaning Exhausts of Hydrogen Engines: Impact of H2O, O2, and NO/H2-ratio M. Borchers, K. Keller, P. Lott, O. Deutschmann, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 60, 18, 2021, 6623-6636. |
[11] |
Lean-Burn Natural Gas Engines: Challenges and Concepts for an Efficient Exhaust Gas Aftertreatment System P. Lott, O. Deutschmann, Emiss. Control Sci. Technol., 7, 2021, 1-6. |
[10] |
Microkinetic modeling of the oxidation of methane over PdO catalysts – Towards a better understanding of the water inhibition effect K. Keller, P. Lott, H. Stotz, L. Maier, O. Deutschmann, Catalysts, 10, 2020, 922. |
[9] |
Understanding sulfur poisoning of bimetallic Pd-Pt methane oxidation catalysts and their regeneration P. Lott, M. Eck, D. E. Doronkin, A. Zimina, S. Tischer R. Popescu, S. Belin, V. Briois, M. Casapu, J.-D. Grunwaldt, O. Deutschmann, Appl. Catal. B, 278, 2020, 119244. |
[8] |
In situ activation of bimetallic Pd-Pt methane oxidation catalysts K. A. Karinshak, P. Lott, M. P. Harold, O. Deutschmann, ChemCatChem, 12, 2020, 3712-3720. |
[7] |
Unravelling the Different Reaction Pathways for Low Temperature CO Oxidation on Pt/CeO2 and Pt/Al2O3 by Spatially Resolved Structure–Activity Correlations A. M. Gänzler, M. Casapu, D. E. Doronkin, F. Maurer, P. Lott, P. Glatzel, M. Votsmeier, O. Deutschmann, J.-D. Grunwaldt, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 10 (24), 2019, 7698-7705. |
[6] |
The Effect of Prereduction on the Performance of Pd/Al2O3 and Pd/CeO2 Catalysts during Methane Oxidation P. Lott, P. Dolcet, M. Casapu, J.-D. Grunwaldt, O. Deutschmann, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 58, 2019, 12561-12570. |
[5] |
Formaldehyde Oxidation Over Platinum: On the Kinetics Relevant to Exhaust Conditions of Lean-Burn Natural Gas Engines B. Torkashvand, L. Maier, P. Lott, T. Schedlbauer, J.-D. Grunwaldt, O. Deutschmann, Top. Catal., 62, 2019, 206-213. |
[4] |
Impact of the Support on the Catalytic Performance, Inhibition Effects and SO2 Poisoning Resistance of Pt-Based Formaldehyde Oxidation Catalysts T. Schedlbauer, P. Lott, M. Casapu, H. Störmer, O. Deutschmann, J.-D. Grunwaldt, Top. Catal., 62, 2019, 198-205. |
[3] |
Regeneration of Sulfur Poisoned Pd-Pt/CeO2-ZrO2-Y2O3-La2O3 and Pd-Pt/Al2O3 Methane Oxidation Catalysts P. Lott, M. Eck, D. E. Doronkin, R. Popescu, M. Casapu, J.-D. Grunwaldt, O. Deutschmann, Top. Catal., 62, 2019, 62, 164-171. |
[2] |
Homogeneous Oxidation of Light Alkanes in the Exhaust of Turbocharged Lean-Burn Gas Engines B. Torkashvand, P. Lott, D. Zengel, L. Maier, M. Hettel, J.-D. Grunwaldt, O. Deutschmann, Chem. Eng. J., 377, 2019, 119800. |
[1] |
Sulfur poisoning and regeneration of bimetallic Pd-Pt methane oxidation catalysts A. Gremminger, P. Lott, M. Merts, M. Casapu, J.-D. Grunwaldt, O. Deutschmann, Appl. Catal. B, 218, 2017, 833-843. |