Zahlreiche Projektpartner und Geldgeber unterstützen die Forschungsarbeiten des Zentrums für Emissionskontrolle Karlsruhe, z.B. andere Hochschulen und Universitäten, DFG, BMBF, BMWi, AiF, FVV sowie namhafte Hersteller und Zulieferer aus den Sparten Automotive und Stationärapplikationen.
- FVV-Projekt "Sekundäremissionen" (Projekt Nr. 1516, in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Lauer, TU Wien, Österreich)
- FVV-Projekt "TWC dithering" (IGF-Nr. 314 EN funded by CORNET / BMWK / IGF, in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Koch vom IFKM, KIT und Prof. Kusaka von der Waseda University, Tokio, Japan)
- KIT Programm MTET: Materials and Technologies for the Energy Transition
- SFB 1441: TrackAct - Tracking the Active Site in Heterogeneous Catalysis for Emission Control (DFG)
- IGF-Vorhaben Nr. 128 EN: „Methane catalytic 2“
- SFB/Transregio 150: AdBlue - Injection Experiment (DFG SFB/TRR 150 - C04)
- Oxidation state of the catalytic particle characterization by XANES (FVV)
- Pt/Pd: De- und Reactivation - DOC, FVV-Project 1141 (in collaboration with Prof. Nieken, ICVT, U Stuttgart)
- Reduction of particle emissions over Vanadia based SCR catalysts, FVV 2013-15 (in collaboration with Prof. Beidl, VKM, TU Darmstadt)
- Aging of automotive catalytic converters: Characterization and modeling of aged DOC and NSC (PhD thesis of Denise Chan in cooperation with U Stuttgart funded by FVV (2011-2013))
- Aging of Pd/Pt catalyst for CH4 total oxidation: Activity loss depends on exhaust composition (FVV)
- AdBlue Deposits submitted (in collaboration with Prof. Lauer, TU Wien (FVV/ AiF/ Cornet-Projekt)
- Effect of thermal aging on particle size distribution (PhD thesis of Willi Boll in collaboration with Prof. Nieken/ICVT, U Stuttgart, funded by FVV (until 2011))
- FVV- Project BMWi/AiF 128 EN: Methane catalytic II & FVV- Project 1187: Formaldehyde (since 2015) (FVV, BMWi/AiF)
- Pre-turbo SCR for large diesel engines: Effect of high pressure and temperature on conversion (in collaboration with Prof. Gläser, U Leipzig; funded by FVV)
- Reduction of NOx emissions of lean operated engines: Principles of a NOx storage/reduction catalyst (NSC) (PhD thesis of Jan Koop; in collaboration with Prof. Nieken, ICVT, U Stuttgart; funded by FVV)
- Optimization of exhaust system by numerical simulation: Rapid proto-typing of exhaust system (in collaboration with Bosch, since 2005)
- Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx emissions by urea solution: Deposit formation (in collaboration with Bosch)
- Synthesis Gas by Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Methane (University of Minnesota/DFG, Conoco Inc.)
- Partial oxidation of light alkanes to olefins (Los Alamos National Lab, University of Minnesota/US Department of Energy, DFG)
- Formation of oxygenates by partial oxidation of alkanes (University of Minnesota)
- Partial Oxidation of Higher Hydrocarbons
- Three-way catalytic converter (Eberspächer GmbH & Co, DaimlerChrysler AG)
- Modeling and Simulation of NOx Abatement with Storage/Reduction Catalysts for Lean Burn and Diesel Engines (Uni Stuttgart, Uni Heidelberg/FVV)
- Catalytic Combustion Research for Gas Turbine Application (Colorado School of Mines, University of California at Berkeley/ Alstom Power)
- Surface reaction mechanisms of complete oxidation on noble metals (Uni Heidelberg)
- Optimization of Reactive Systems (Uni Trier, Uni Heidelberg/SFB 358, Volkswagen-Stiftung)
- Materials in Action (Mat-Act, BMBF)
- Operando studies on a microscale (Micro, BMBF)
- Energy-related catalysis (Helmholtzkolleg)
- Catalysis for sustainable energies (CASE, DTU)
- Exploring new catalytic reactions in supercritical carbon dioxide as innovative and non-flammable reaction medium (FTP)
- Preparation of nanoparticles for catalysis by flame spray pyrolysis and hydrothermal synthesis (DSF)
- CO-Oxidation an Fe2O3/Al2O3-Modellkatalysatoren (DFG)
- Rationales Designen von Fe2O3-Katalysatoren für die CO-Entfernung aus Abgas- und Abluftströmen (BMBF)