Fees and Payment
The symposium fee is 400 Euro (students: 300 Euro). The fee includes accommodation for two nights (13th - 15th September) and all meals starting with dinner on the 13th (19:00). The scientific program runs from 9:00 on 14th
until 16:00 on 15th. Payment information is given on the conference web site www.modegat.org. Payment on-site (50 Euro surcharge) is only possible in cash.
Also note the limited number of 100 paricipants; participation and accommodation in the conference hotel on a first-come-first-served basis!
Your online registration is for both, the conference and a single-bed non-smoking hotel room at the conference center. If you have any particular needs for the hotel, please register online and then send your particular request via Email to symposium2015 ∂does-not-exist.modegat org.
Conference check-in on site (for already registered participants only):
Sunday, 13 September, 2013, 17:00-18:30
Monday, 14 September, 2013, from 8:00
Please note that the participation limit of 100 persons has been reached.
From now on every person registered will be placed on a waiting list.
We reserve places for participants who handed in abstracts, but a registration via the form below is still necessary.
You will receive an email about your registration status as soon as possible, no later than August 15, 2015