20 years Deutschmann group


The Deutschmann group works on the development of climate and environmentally friendly chemical technologies

The research activities include carbon-free chemical energy carriers, emission control, fuel and electrolysis cells, reaction engineering, heterogeneous catalysis, material synthesis, and multiphase flows. The methods used range from laser spectroscopy and kinetic measurements over digitalization and software development to numerical simulation and optimization of technical reactors. 


More information on specific research topics:


Clean Circles
Carbon-free chemical energy carriers

Carbon-free energy carriers are studied for storing renewable electrical energy in a circular economy. Here we focus
on ammonia, metal borohydride such as KBH4, and reactive metals such as iron and aluminium...

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Carbon capture
Carbon capture

Novel technologies for carbon capture are developed by using of high-temperature pyrolysis of natural gas and biomass as well as by adsorption of CO2. In pyrolysis of methane and biogas hydrogen is produced...

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Reduction of green-house gas emissions

We are engaged in the reduction of emissions of the greenhouse gases CO2, CH4 and N2O from processes in chemical industry, traffic, transportation, and energy-intensive industries as well as the development and optimization...

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Hydrogen production

Hydrogen is becoming an essential element of the energy supply chain. Hydrogen is not only an attractive chemical energy carrier but also a building block for other chemical energy carriers as well as a chemical feedstock and fuel... 

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High-temperature fuel and electrolysis cells

Our current research projects in this area focus on all-solid-state electrochemical devices which are operated at elevated temperatures. Solid oxide cells (SOCs), as well as the more recent addition to the family, protonic ceramic cells (PCCs)...

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Emission control

The reduction of emissions of local pollutants (NOX, CO, aldehydes, particulate matter, etc.) arising from combustion engines, industrial plants, and residential sources is achieved by advanced exhaust-gas after-treatment systems... 

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Synthesis of chemicals and materials

There is an urgent need for novel climate-friendly routes for the synthesis of chemicals, catalysts, and materials. We are working on the production of basic chemicals such as hydrogen, synthesis gas,...

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Digitalization and computer codes

A very strong focus of the group is on the development of models and computer codes for the description and numerical simulation in reaction engineering and catalysis.  In academia and industry world-wide, software packages...  

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Reaction mechanisms

Based on theoretical and experimental investigations, we develop detailed chemical reaction mechanisms based on elementary steps for homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions, with a special focus on catalytic, multi-phase...


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Experimental facilities

A wide variety of experimental methods are used to investigate fundamental and applied issues of chemical technologies. The facilities available reach from complex laser spectroscopy setups to study reactive flows...


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Research data management and archives

Comprehensive and efficient archiving and easy accessibility of research data including all meta data is an essential need for advanced and rapid development of chemical technologies. We have been developing software tools... 

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