Education / Degrees
2000 Habilitation / Privatdozent (Venia legendi in Chemical Technology)
Department of Chemistry, University of Karlsruhe (TH)
Thesis: Laser spectroscopic investigations of laminar and turbulent flames
Mentor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henning Bockhorn
1989 PhD in Chemistry (Dr. rer. nat.)
Department of Chemistry, Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg
PhD thesis: Two-dimensional depiction of the flame front in an internal combustion engine by laser-induced fluorescence of OH-radicals and acetaldehyde
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wolfrum
1985 Diploma in Physics
Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg and Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics Heidelberg
Diploma thesis: Optical pumping of a 7Li- and 23Na-atomic beam in a source for polarized ions
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Erhard Steffens
Work History
Since 2007 |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry Unscheduled Professor (Apl.) for Chemical Technology |
2000–2007 |
University of Karlsruhe (TH), Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry Assistant Professor (Privatdozent) for Chemical Technology |
1995–2000 |
University of Karlsruhe (TH), Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henning Bockhorn |
1991–1995 |
University of Kaiserslautern, Institute for Chemical Technology Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henning Bockhorn |
1989–1991 |
ICI (EUROPA) – FIBRES GmbH Group leader in the development section “polyamide 6.6-micro fibres” |
1985–1989 |
Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg, Institute of Physical Chemistry Research Fellow with Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wolfrum |
2011 | Vice-spokesman of the competence field „Fuel and Combustion“ at KIT |
2006 | Appointed member of the committee “Particle Measuring Techniques” of the ProcessNet Initiative |
“Schnelles optisches Tomographieverfahren”, Patent No. „DE 10 2009 044 303“ (2012).
Publications in reviewed journals
F. P. Hagen, D. Kretzler, S. Koch, H. Bockhorn, R. Suntz, D. Trimis, H. Kubach, A. Velji, Th. Koch: “On-line Monitoring of Carbon Nanostructure and Soot Reactivity in Engine Exhaust by dual-Pulse Laser-Induced Incandescence”, Combustion and Flame, 254, (2023).
F. P. Hagen. P. Vlavakis, H. Bockhorn, R. Suntz, D. Trimis: “From molecular to sub-μm Scale: The Interplay of Precursor Concentrations, primary Particle Size, and Carbon Nanostructure during Soot Formation in Counter-Flow Diffusion Flames”, Combustion and Flame, (2023).
F. Zhang, Th. Zirwes, Th. Häber, H. Bockhorn, D. Trimis, R. Suntz, D. Stapf: “Correlation of Heat Loss with Quenching Distance during transient Flame-Wall Interaction”, 39th Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 39, 2, 2037, (2022).
F. P. Hagen. P. Vlavakis, M. Seitz, Th. Klövekorn, H. Bockhorn, R. Suntz, D. Trimis: “Soot Nanoparticle Sizing in Counterflow Flames using in-situ Particle Sampling and differential Mobility Analysis verified with two-color time-resolved Laser-Induced Incandescence”, 39th Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 39, 1, 1119, (2022).
K. Keller, S. Wan, M. Borchers, P. Lott, R. Suntz, O. Deutschmann: “Treating NOx Emission of Hydrogen fueled Combustion Engines by NOx Storage and Reduction Catalysts: A transient kinetic Study including PLIF Measurements”, 39th Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 39, 4, 4247, (2022).
S. Wan, K. Keller, P. Lott, A. B. Shirsath, S. Tischer, Th. Häber, R. Suntz, O. Deutschmann: “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of NO Oxidation on Pt/ Al2O3- and NOx Storage on Pt/BaO/Al2O3-Catalysts”, Catalysis Science & Technology, 12, 4456, (2022).
S. Koch, F. P. Hagen, L. Büttner, J. Hartmann, A. Velji, H. Kubach, Th. Koch, H. Bockhorn, D. Trimis, R. Suntz: “Influence of Global Operating Parameters on the Reactivity of Soot Particles from Direct Injection Gasoline Engines”, Emission Control Science and Technology, 8, 9, (2022).
F. Secchi, Th. Häber, D. Gatti, S. Schulz, D. Trimis, R. Suntz, B. Frohnapfel: “Turbulent Impinging Jets on rough Surfaces”, Special Issue Gamm, (2022).
F. P. Hagen. R. Suntz, H. Bockhorn, D. Trimis: “Dual-Pulse Laser-Induced Incandescence to quantify Carbon Nanostructure and related Soot Particle Properties in transient Flows – Concept and exploratory Study”, Combustion and Flame, 243, (2022).
F. P. Hagen. D. Kretzler, Th. Häber, H. Bockhorn, R. Suntz, D. Trimis: “Carbon Nanostructure and Reactivity of Soot Particles from non-intrusive Methods based on UV-VIS Spectroscopy and time-resolved Laser-Induced Incandescence”, Carbon, 182, 634, (2021).
Th. Zirwes, Th. Häber, F. Zhang, H. Kosaka, A. Dreizler, M. Steinhausen, Ch. Hasse, A. Stagni, D. Trimis, R. Suntz, H. Bockhorn: “Numerical Study of Quenching Distances for Side-Wall Quenching Using Detailed Diffusion and Chemistry“, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 106, 649, (2021).
F. Zhang, Th. Zirwes, Th. Häber, H. Bockhorn, D. Trimis, R. Suntz: “Near Wall Dynamics of Premixed Flames”, 38th Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 38, 2, 1955 (2021).
F. P. Hagen, H. Bockhorn, H. Störmer, A. Loukou, R. Suntz, D. Trimis: “Nanostructural and morphological Characteristics of single Soot Aggregates during low-Temperature Oxidation”, 38th Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 38, 1, 1153, (2021).
F. Hagen, F. Hardock, S. Koch, N. Sebbar, H. Bockhorn, A. Loukou, H. Kubach, R. Suntz, D. Trimis, Th. Koch: “Why Soot is not Alike Soot: A Molecular/Nanostructural Approach to Soot Oxidation on Particulate Filters“, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 106, 295, (2021).
S. Wan, Y. Guo, Th. Häber, R. Suntz and O. Deutschmann: “Spatially and Temporally Resolved Measurements of NO Adsorption/Desorption over NOx-Storage Catalyst”, ChemPhysChem, 21, 2497, (2020).
Th. Häber, H. Bockhorn, R. Suntz: “Two-dimensional tomographic simultaneous multi- Species Visualization – Part I: Experimental Methodology and Application to laminar and turbulent Flames”, energies, 13(9), 2335, (2020).
Th. Häber, H. Bockhorn, R. Suntz: “Two-dimensional tomographic simultaneous multi- Species Visualization – Part II: Reconstruction Accuracy”, energies, 13(9), 2368, (2020).
F. P. Hagen, A. Rinkenburger, J. Günther, H. Bockhorn, R. Niessner, R. Suntz, A. Loukou, D. Trimis, C. Haisch: “Spark Discharge-generated Soot: Varying Nanostructure and Reactivity against Oxidation by Molecular Oxygen by Synthesis Conditions“, Journal of Aerosol Science, 143, 105530 (2020).
S. Koch, H. Kubach, A. Velji, Th. Koch, F. P. Hagen, H. Bockhorn, A. Loukou, D. Trimis, R. Suntz: “Impact of the Injection Strategy on Soot Reactivity and Particle Properties of a GDI Engine”, SAE Paper, 2020-01-0392 (2020).
S. Wan, B. Torkashvand, Th. Häber, R. Suntz, O. Deutschmann: “Investigation of HCHO Catalytic Oxidation over Platinum using Planar Laser-induced Fluorescence”, Applied Catalysis B, 264, 118473, (2020).
M. Börnhorst, S. Langheck, H. Weickenmeier, C. Dem, R. Suntz, O. Deutschmann: “Characterization of solid Deposits from Urea Water Solution injected into a hot Gas Test Rig”, (2018).
H. Kosakaa, F. Zentgraf, A. Scholtissek, L. Bischoff, Th. Häber, R. Suntz, B. Albert, Ch. Hasse, A. Dreizler: “Wall Heat Fluxes and CO Formation/Oxidation during laminar and turbulent Side-Wall Quenching of Methane and DME Flames”, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow,, 70, 181 (2018).
Th. Häber, R. Suntz: “Effect of different Wall Materials and thermal-Barrier Coatings on the Flame-Wall Interaction of laminar premixed Methane and Propane Flames”, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2017.12.004, 69, 95 (2018).
A. Aleksandrov, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: “Investigation of the Impact of imposed Air Inlet Velocity Oscillations on the Formation and Oxidation of Soot using simultaneous 2-Colour-TIRE-LII”, Appl. Phys. B, 119, 4, 777 (2015).
A. Zellner, R. Suntz und O. Deutschmann: “In-situ Investigations of catalytic NO-Reduction in a Channel Reactor using Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence”, Angewandte Chemie, 127, 9, 2691–2693 (2015).
A. Zellner, R. Suntz und O. Deutschmann: “In-situ Untersuchungen katalytischer NO-Reduktion in einem optisch zugänglichen Strömungskanal", Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 86, 4, 538-543 (2014)
V. Vukadinovic, P. Habisreuther, R. Suntz and N. Zarzalis: “Influence of Pressure on Markstein Number Effect in turbulent Flame Front Propagation”, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2013: Power for Land, Sea and Air, GT2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA, June 3 – 7, GT2013-94307 (2013).
N. B. Anikin, R. Suntz und H. Bockhorn: “Schnelle optische Tomographie zum Nachweis von OH*- Verteilungen in Flammen”, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, DOI: 10.1002/cite. 201200161, 85, 5, 696 (2013).
S. Busch, M. Roßbach, U. Wagner, R. Suntz, A. Velji, H. Bockhorn and U. Spicher: “Visualization of Particulate Matter in a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine via Laser Optical Techniques”, Proc. of the 8th Int. Conference on Modeling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine Systems, Fukuoka, Japan, July 23 – 26, MD1-3 (2012).
C. Cárdenas, J.A. Denev, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: “Study of Parameters and Entrainment of a Jet in Crossflow Arrangement with Transition at two low Reynolds Numbers”, Exp. Fluids, 53, 965 (2012).
N.B. Anikin, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: “Tomographic Reconstruction of 2D-OH*-Chemi-luminescence Distributions in Turbulent Diffusion Flames”, Appl. Phys. B, 107, 591 (2012).
M. Charwath, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: “Constraints of 2-Colour TiRe-LII at Elevated Pressures”, Appl. Phys. B, 104, 427 (2011).
N. Anikin, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: “Tomographic Reconstruction of the OH*-Chemi-luminescence Distribution in Premixed and Diffusion Flames”, Appl. Phys. B, 100, 675 (2010).
C. Cárdenas, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: “Experimental Investigation of the Mixing-Process in a Jet-in-Crossflow Arrangement by simultaneous 2d-LIF and PIV”, in H. Bockhorn, D. Mewes, W. Peukert and H.-J. Warnecke (Eds.), Micro and Macro Mixing – Analysis, Simulation and Numerical Calculation, Heat and Mass Transfer, D. Mewes and F. Mayinger (Series Eds.), Springer- Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-04548-6, 87 (2010).
A. Velji, M. Roßbach, K. Yeom, U. Wagner, R. Suntz, H. Bockhorn and U. Spicher: „Investigations of the Formation and Oxidation of Soot inside a direct Injection Spark Ignition Engine”, SAE Paper No. 2010–01–0352 (2010).
M. Charwath, J. Hentschel, H. Bockhorn and R. Suntz: “Behaviour of moderately oscillating sooting Methane-Air Diffusion Flames”, Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 82, 553 (2009).
M. Weiß, N. Zarzalis and R. Suntz: “Experimental Study of Markstein Number Effects on Laminar Flamelet Velocity in Turbulent Premixed Flames”, Combustion and Flame, 154, 671 (2008).
O. Schmidt, M. Weiß, N. Zarzalis and R. Suntz: „Experimentelle Untersuchung des Einflusses von hinderniserzeugter Turbulenz auf die isobare Flammenausbreitung“, VDI- Berichte, VDI- Verlag, 1988, 169 (2007).
C. Cárdenas, R. Suntz, J. A. Denev and H. Bockhorn: “Two-dimensional Estimation of Reynolds-Fluxes and –Stresses in a Jet-in-Crossflow Arrangement by simultaneous 2d-LIF and PIV”, Appl. Phys. B, 88, 4, 581 (2007).
H. A. Michelsen, F. Liu, B. F. Kock, H. Bladh, A. Boiarciuc, M. Charwath, T. Dreier, R. Hadef, M. Hofmann, J. Reimann, S. Will, P.-E. Bengtsson, H. Bockhorn, F. Foucher, K.-P. Geigle, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, C. Schulz, R. Stirn, B. Tribalet, R. Suntz: “Modeling Laser-Induced Incandescence of Soot: A Summary and Comparison of LII Models”, Appl. Phys. B, 87, 3, 503 (2007).
M. Charwath, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: “Influence of the Temporal Response of the Detection System on Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Incandescence Signal Evolutions”, Appl. Phys. B, 83, 435 (2006).
Ch. Schulz, B. F. Kock, M. Hofmann, H. Michelsen, S. Will, B. Bougie, R. Suntz and G. Smallwood: “Laser-induced incandescence: Recent trends and current questions”, Appl. Phys. B, 83, 333 (2006).
J. Hentschel, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: „Soot Formation and Oxidation in Oscillating Methane/Air Diffusion Flames at Elevated Pressure”, Appl. Optics, 44, 31, 6673 (2005).
E. Goos, P. Frank, B. Jungfleisch, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: „Untersuchungen und Modellierungen zu Rußwachstum und Rußoxidation in C2H2 Gegenstromflammen”, VDI- Berichte, VDI- Verlag, 1888, 319 (2005).
M. Weiß, N. Zarzalis and R. Suntz: „Modellierung der turbulenten Brenngeschwindigkeit vor-gemischter Brennstoff/Luft- Gemische unter Berücksichtigung des Einflusses der Flammen-streckung auf die laminare Brenngeschwindigkeit von Flamelets”, VDI- Berichte, VDI- Verlag, 1888, 687 (2005).
B. Jungfleisch, M. Stumpf, R. Suntz, A. Velji, H. Bockhorn and U. Spicher: „Investigations on Soot Emission Behaviour of a Common-Rail Diesel Engine during steady and non-steady Operating Conditions by Means of several Measuring Techniques”, SAE Paper No. 2005–01–2154 (2005).
H. Dörr, H. Bockhorn and R. Suntz: „Online Characterization of Combustion Generated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles – Optical Diagnostics versus Particle Mass Spectrometry”, Nanofair 2004, St. Gallen, Schweiz, September 14 – 16, VDI- Berichte, VDI- Verlag, 1839, 185 (2004).
B. Jungfleisch, M. Stumpf, J. Hentschel, H. Kubach, R. Suntz, A. Velji, H. Bockhorn and U. Spicher: „Highly Temporal Resolved Detection of Soot Particle Properties in a Common-Rail Direct Injection Diesel Engine”, 24th CIMAC Congress, Kyoto, Paper No. 85 (2004).
Th. Lehre, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: „Time-Resolved Two-color LII: Size Distributions of Nano-Particles from Gas–to–Particle Synthesis”, 30th Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 2585 (2004).
Th. Lehre, B. Jungfleisch, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: „Size Distributions of Nanoscaled Particles and Gas Temperatures from Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Incandescence Measure-ments”, Appl. Optics, Lasers, Photonics, and Environmental Optics (LPEO), 42, 12, 2021 (2003).
Th. Lehre, H. Bockhorn, B. Jungfleisch and R. Suntz: „Development of a Measuring Technique for Simultaneous In-Situ Detection of Nanoscaled Particle Size Distributions and Gas Tempe-ratures”, Chemosphere, 51, 10, 1055 (2003).
H. Bockhorn, Th. Lehre, M. Hermle und R. Suntz: „Laserdiagnostische Untersuchung von Nanopartikeln”, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 75, 11, 1642 (2003).
Th. Lehre, M. Hermle, R. Suntz, H. Bockhorn: „Ortsaufgelöste In-situ-Bestimmung der Größenverteilung nanoskaliger Teilchen bei der Gas-to-Particle-Synthese”, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 75, 8, 1128 (2003).
A. Schön, Th. Streibel, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: „Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Soot Formation in Laminar Diffusion Flames along Selected Particle Tracks”, 29th Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 2399 (2002).
Th. Lehre, B. Jungfleisch, R. Suntz, H. Bockhorn: „LII zur In-Situ-Bestimmung von nanoskaligen Partikelgrößenverteilungen und Gastemperaturen – Modellentwicklung und Auswertung”, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 74, 5, 545 (2002).
H. Bockhorn, H. Geitlinger, B. Jungfleisch, Th. Lehre, A. Schön, Th. Streibel, R. Suntz: „Progress in Characterization of Soot Formation by Optical Methods”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 4, 3780 (2002).
N. Ebersohl, Th. Klos, R. Suntz, A. Heyl and H. Bockhorn: „Joint Multi-Component One- Dimensional Raman Scattering for Investigations of Fluctuating Quantities in Turbulent Combustion”, Environ. Comb. Tech., 2, 135 (2001).
H. Bockhorn, B. Jungfleisch, Th. Lehre, R. Suntz: „Bestimmung von Partikelgrößenver-teilungen und Gastemperaturen in laminaren und turbulenten Verbrennungssystemen durch Messung des zeitlichen Abfalls der laserinduzierten Inkandeszenz”, VDI- Berichte, VDI- Verlag, 1629, 435 (2001).
H. Bockhorn, B. Jungfleisch, Th. Lehre, R. Suntz: „Simultaneous Assessment of Particle Size Distributions and Gas Temperatures from Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Incandescence”, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 73, 6, 708 (2001).
H. Geitlinger, B. Jungfleisch, M. Marquardt, Th. Streibel, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: „Two-Dimensional Detection of Soot Volume Fractions, Particle Number Densities and Particle Radii in Turbulent Diffusion Flames”, Environ. Comb. Tech., 2, 169 (2001).
H. Geitlinger, Th. Streibel, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: „Two-Dimensional Imaging of Sizes and Number Densities of Nanoscaled Particles”, 10th International Symposium Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, 10P6 (2000).
O. Angrill, H. Geitlinger, Th. Streibel, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: „Influence of Exhaust Gas Recirculation on Soot Formation in Diffusion Flames”, 28th Symposium (Inter-national) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 2643 (2000).
H. Bockhorn, H. Geitlinger, Th. Streibel, R. Suntz: „Experimentelle Methoden zur in-situ- Untersuchung von Teilchengrößen und Anzahldichten von Nanoteilchen am Beispiel der Bildung von Ruß aus Kohlenwasserstoffen”, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 72, 9, 970 (2000).
H. Geitlinger, Th. Streibel, R. Suntz und H. Bockhorn: „Größen- und Konzentrations-bestimmung von Nanopartikeln in der Gasphase mit zeitlicher und zweidimensional örtlicher Auflösung”, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 72, 3, 260 (2000).
J. Appel, H. Bockhorn, H. Geitlinger, Th. Streibel und R. Suntz: “Chemisch kontrollierte Bildung von Nanoteilchen: Experimentelle Untersuchung und numerische Simulation der Bildung von Ruß aus Kohlenwasserstoffen”, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 71, 9, 934 (1999).
O. Angrill, Th. Streibel, H. Geitlinger, R. Suntz und H. Bockhorn: „Rußbildung in turbulenten Diffusionsflammen”, VDI- Berichte, VDI- Verlag, 1492, 223 (1999).
H. Geitlinger, Th. Streibel, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: „Statistical Analysis of Soot Particle Properties in Turbulent Diffusion Flames”, 5th International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment, Lisbon, 44.2 (1999).
H. Geitlinger, Th. Streibel, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: „Statistical Analysis of Soot Volume Fractions, Particle Number Densities and Particle Radii in a Turbulent Diffusion Flame”, Comb. Sci. and Technol., 149, 115 (1999).
N. Ebersohl, Th. Klos, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: „One-dimensional Raman Scattering for Determination of Multi-Point Joint Scalar PDFs in Turbulent Diffusion Flames”, 27th Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 997 (1998).
H. Geitlinger, Th. Streibel, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: „Two-Dimensional Imaging of Soot Volume Fractions, Particle Number Densities and Particle Sizes in Laminar and Turbulent Diffusion Flames”, 27th Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 1613 (1998).
N. Ebersohl, Th. Klos, R. Suntz und H. Bockhorn: „Bestimmung von turbulenten Skalen mittels eindimensionaler Spontaner Raman Streuung”, VDI- Berichte, VDI- Verlag, 1313, 567 (1997).
Th. Klos, N. Ebersohl, R. Suntz, A. Heyl, H. Bockhorn: “Joint Multi-Component One- Dimensional Raman Scattering for Investigations of Fluctuating Quantities in Turbulent Combustion”, 4th International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment, Lisbon, I, 18.1 (1997).
R. Suntz, M. Marquardt, B. Jungfleisch and H. Bockhorn: “Two-dimensional Imaging of Soot Volume Fractions and Particle Radii in Sooting Turbulent Diffusion Flames”, 4th International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment, Lisbon, II, 24.2 (1997).
J. Appel, B. Jungfleisch, M. Marquardt, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: “Assessment of Soot Volume Fractions from Laser-Induced Incandescence by Comparison with Extinction Measurements in Laminar, Premixed, Flat Flames”, 26th Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 2387 (1996).
M. Marquardt, F. Mauß, B. Jungfleisch, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: “Re-Initiation of Soot Surface Growth in Premixed Counterflow Flames”, 26th Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 2343 (1996).
A. Arnold, H. Becker, R. Hemberger, W. Hentschel, W. Ketterle, M. Köllner, W. Meienburg, P. Monkhouse, H. Neckel, M. Schäfer, K. P. Schindler, V. Sick, R. Suntz and J. Wolfrum: “Laser in situ Monitoring of Combustion Processes”, Appl. Opt. 29, 33, 4860 (1990).
A. Arnold, H. Becker, R. Suntz, P. Monkhouse and J. Wolfrum, R. Maly and W. Pfister: “Flame Front Imaging in an Internal-Combustion Engine Simulator by Laser-Induced Fluorescence of Acetaldehyde”, Opt. Lett. 15, 831 (1990).
H. Becker, A. Arnold, R. Suntz, P. Monkhouse, J. Wolfrum, R. Maly and W. Pfister: “Investi-gation of Flame Structure and Burning Behaviour in an IC Engine Simulator by 2D-LIF of OH Radicals”, Appl. Phys. B 50, 473 (1990).
A. Arnold, H. Becker, W. Ketterle, P. Monkhouse, R. Suntz, M. Köllner und J. Wolfrum: „Einsatz von Ultrakurzzeit- und Hochleistungs- UV- Lasersystemen zur mehrdimensionalen Fluoreszenzdiagnostik industrieller Verbrennungsprozesse“, VDI- Berichte, VDI- Verlag, 765, 457 (1989).
R. Suntz, H. Becker, P. Monkhouse and J. Wolfrum: “Two-Dimensional Visualization of the Flame Front in an Internal Combustion Engine by Laser-Induced Fluorescence of OH Radicals”, Appl. Phys. B 47, 287 (1988).
K. Kleinermanns, E. Linnebach and R. Suntz: „Emission Spectrum of Dissociating H2S”, J. Phys. Chem. 91, 5543 (1987).
H. Jänsch, K. Becker, K. Blatt, H. Leucker, D. Fick, R. Butsch, B. Heck, D. Krämer, K.-H. Möbius, W. Ott, P. Paul, R. Suntz, G. Tungate, I. M. Turkiewicz, A. Weller and E. Steffens: “Nuclear Spin Polarized Alkali Beams (Li and Na): Production and Acceleration”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 254, 1, 7 (1987).
R. Butsch, H. Jänsch, D. Krämer, K.-H. Möbius, Z. Moroz, W. Ott, K. Rusek, E. Steffens, R. Suntz, G. Tungate, I. M. Turkiewicz, A. Weller, K. Becker, K. Blatt, D. Fick, H. Leucker, W. Luck and P. Paul: „Subbarrier Fusion with Aligned 23Na Ions“, Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 16, 2002 (1986).
Further publications
C. Cárdenas, R. Suntz und H. Bockhorn: „Experimentelle Untersuchung von Vermischungs-vorgängen in einer Jet-in-Crossflow- Anordnung”, Gaswärme International, 57, 5, 337 (2008).
“Proceedings 2nd International Discussion Meeting and Workshop, Laser-induced Incandes-cence: Quantitative Interpretation, Modelling, Applications, August 2-4, 2006, Bad Herrenalb, Germany”, edited by Rainer Suntz and Henning Bockhorn, TCP, Forschungsuniversität Karlsruhe (TH), CEUR-WS//Vol-211/ (2006).
Th. Lehre, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn, in: Handling of highly dispersed Powders, E. Müller and Ch. Oestreich: „Investigation of Nanoparticle Formation during Gas–to–Particle Synthesis”, Berichte aus der Verfahrenstechnik, Shaker Verlag, 24 (2004).
H. Bockhorn und R. Suntz: „Laserdiagnostisches Verfahren zur Messung im Nano-bereich – Wie lassen sich Rußpartikelemissionen vermeiden”, CLB – Chemie in Labor und Biotechnik, 8, 310 (2003).
H. Bockhorn, R. Suntz, Z. A. Mansurov and V. Ya. Kolesnikov: „Analysis and Control of Soot Formation”, Gorenie i Plazmokhimiya, 1, 3, 235 (2003).
H. Bockhorn, J. Fröhlich and R. Suntz: „SFB 606 – a German research initiative on unsteady combustion”, ERCOFTAC Bulletin, 59, 40 (2003).
H. Bockhorn, H. Geitlinger, B. Jungfleisch, Th. Lehre, Th. Streibel, R. Suntz: „Messung von Rußteilcheneigenschaften in turbulenten Flammen mit planaren, abbildenden Meßverfahren”, Gaswärme International, 50, 7, 300 (2001).
Contributions conference proceedings
2014 – 2010
N.B. Anikin, Th. Häber, D. Schwamberger, R. Suntz, H. Bockhorn: „Tomographic Detection of the 2-dimensional Distributions of the OH*-Chemiluminescence and the thermal Radiation of Soot in laminar Diffusion Flames”, 8th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Çesme, Izmir, Turkey, September 8 – 13 (2013).
N.B. Anikin, Th. Häber, D. Schwamberger, R. Suntz, H. Bockhorn: „2-dimensional tomographic Mapping of OH*-Chemiluminescence and thermal Radiation of Soot in laminar Diffusion Flames”, 6th European Combustion Meeting, Lund, Sweden, June 25 – 28 (2013).
N. Anikin, R. Suntz, H. Bockhorn: „Fast optical Tomography for Species Detection in reactive Flows”, 8th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Berlin, Germany, September 25 – 29 (2011).
N. Anikin, R. Suntz, H. Bockhorn: „Tomographic Reconstruction of the OH*-Chemiluminescence Distribution in Flames”, 7th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, September 10 – 11 (2011).
N. Anikin, R. Suntz, H. Bockhorn: „Tomographic Reconstruction of the OH*-Chemiluminescence Distribution in turbulent Flames”, 5th European Combustion Meeting, Cardiff, Great Britain, June 28 – July 1 (2011).
N. Anikin, R. Suntz, H. Bockhorn: “Fast Tomographic Reconstruction of the OH*-Chemiluminescence Distribution in Flames”, International Discussion Meeting on Combustion Diagnostics – Key to Understanding Fundamental Flame Processes, organized by Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 606 and Research Group PAK 116, Lufthansa Training & Conference Center Seeheim, Seeheim, November 4. – 5. (2010).
A. Velji, M. Roßbach, K. Yeom, U. Wagner, R. Suntz, H. Bockhorn, U. Spicher: “Investigations of the Formation and Oxidation of Soot inside a Direct Injection Spark Ignition Engine using advanced Laser-Techniques”, SAE 2010 World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, USA, April 13 – 15 (2010).
2009 – 2005
M. Rossbach, A. Velji, U. Wagner, U. Spicher, R. Suntz, H. Bockhorn: “Investigations of the Formation and Oxidation of Soot inside a Direct Injection Spark Ignition Engine”, SIA – Société des Ingénieurs de l’Automobile, Strasbourg, France, December 2 – 3 (2009).
C. Cárdenas, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: „Estimation of turbulent Fluxes by Simultaneous Two-Dimensional LIF and PIV”, 6th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Ajaccio, Corsica, France, June 7 – 11 (2009).
M. Charwath, J. Hentschel, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn: “Characterisation of the Flame Properties of Moderately Oscillating Sooting Methane-Air Diffusion Flames”, in H. Bockhorn, A. D’Anna, A. F. Sarofim and H. Wang (Eds.), Combustion Generated Fine Carbonaceous Particles, Proceedings of an International Workshop held in Villa Orlandi, Anacapri, May 13 – 16 (2007), KIT Scientific Publishing, 589 (2009).
J. Hentschel, M. Hettel, M. Charwath, R. Suntz, H. Bockhorn: “Behaviour of Moderately Oscillating Sooting Methane-Air Diffusion Flames”, 2nd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Combustion, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, July 18 – 20 (2007).
2004 and before
H. Bockhorn, B. Jungfleisch, Th. Lehre, R. Suntz: “Simultaneous Assessment of Particle Size Distributions and Gas Temperatures from Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Incandescence”, Conference Proceedings of the European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Dechema,, Frankfurt (2001).
H. Bockhorn, B. Jungfleisch, Th. Lehre, R. Suntz: “Simultaneous Assessment of Particle Size Distributions and Gas Temperatures from Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Incandescence”, Proc. of the ECCE - 3rd European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Nürnberg (2001).
Th. Klos, N. Ebersohl, M. Koch, M. Kraft, R. Suntz, H. Bockhorn: „Multikomponenten- Raman- Streuung zur Messung turbulenter Schwankungsgrößen”, in: L. Krebs, B. Peters (Hrsg.), Experimente und Modellierung zur heterogenen und homogenen Verbrennung, Workshop der Universität Karlsruhe (TH) und des Forschungszentrums Karlsruhe, Wissenschaftliche Berichte FZKA 6084, 179 (1998).
B. Jungfleisch, J. Appel, M. Marquardt, R. Suntz, H. Bockhorn: „Laserinduzierte Inkandeszenz zur Messung von Rußkonzentrationen in Flammen”, in: L. Krebs, B. Peters (Hrsg.), Experimente und Modellierung zur heterogenen und homogenen Verbrennung, Workshop der Universität Karlsruhe (TH) und des Forschungszentrums Karlsruhe, Wissenschaftliche Berichte FZKA 6084, 167 (1998).
B. Jungfleisch, M. Marquardt, R. Suntz und H. Bockhorn: „Messung von Rußkonzentrationen mit laserinduzierter Inkandeszenz”, 11. TECFLAM- Seminar, 101 (1995).
A. Arnold, H. Becker, R. Suntz, P. Monkhouse and J. Wolfrum: „Laser-Induced Fluorescence Imaging of OH Radicals and Acetaldehyde in an Internal Combustion Engine”, CLEO 89, Baltimore/USA (1989).
A. Arnold, H. Becker, P. Monkhouse, R. Suntz und J. Wolfrum: „Zweidimensionale Darstellung der Flammenfront in einem Verbrennungsmotor durch Laserinduzierte Fluoreszenz von OH- Radikalen und Acetaldehyd”, 4. TECFLAM- Seminar, 41 (1988).
H. Jänsch, K. Becker, K. Blatt, R. Butsch, B. Heck, D. Krämer, H. Leucker, K.-H. Möbius, W. Ott, P. Paul, E. Steffens, R. Suntz, G. Tungate, I. M. Turkiewicz, A. Weller and D. Fick: „Acceleration of Polarized 23Na-Beams”, Proc. of the 6th Int. Symp. on Polarization Phenomena in Nucl. Phys., Osaka/Japan, 1084 (1985).
D. Krämer, K. Becker, K. Blatt, R. Butsch, D. Fick, B. Heck, H. Jänsch, H. Leucker, W. Luck, K-H. Möbius, W. Ott, P. Paul, R. Suntz, G. Tungate and E. Steffens: „The Polarized Heavy Ion Source at the Heidelberg MP-Tandem”, Proc. of the 6th Int. Symp. on Polarization Phenomena in Nucl. Phys., Osaka/Japan, 1080 (1985).
K. Blatt, K. Becker, R. Butsch, R. Caplar, B. Heck, H. Jänsch, D. Krämer, H. Leucker, K.-H. Möbius, Z. Moroz, W. Ott, P. Paul, E. Steffens, R. Suntz, G. Tungate, I. M. Turkiewicz, A. Weller and D. Fick: „Fusion of Aligned 23Na with 23Na”, Proc. of the 6th Int. Symp. on Polarization Phenomena in Nucl. Phys., Osaka/Japan, 788 (1985).
R. Butsch, K. Blatt, R. Caplar, D. Fick, B. Heck, H. Jänsch, D. Krämer, H. Leucker, W. Luck, K.-H. Möbius, Z. Moroz, W. Ott, P. Paul, K. Rusek, R. Suntz, G. Tungate, A. Weller and E. Steffens: „Fusion near the Barrier with Polarized Heavy Ions”, Proc. of the 6th Int. Symp. on Polarization Phenomena in Nucl. Phys., Osaka/Japan, 784 (1985).