Dr.-Ing. Camilo Eduardo Cárdenas Muñoz
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- Raum: 109
CS 11.23 - Tel.: +49 721 608-47393
- camilo cardenas ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- Engesserstr. 20
76131 Karlsruhe
Education / Degrees
2016 | Doktor der Ingenierurwissenschaften (Dr.-Ing.) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Thesis: “Investigation of the mixing of monophasic fluids in a jet-in-crossflow arrangement by means of laser diagnostic methods“ Advisors: R. Suntz, H. Bockhorn |
1997 |
Ingeniero Químico |
Work History
since 03/2021 | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry (ITCP) Research scientist with O. Deutschmann and R. Suntz |
06/2019 – 12/2020 | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Institute for Hydromechanics Post-doctoral research scientist with C. Gromke |
09/2010 – 05/2019 | PETROANDINA CYS S.A., (La Paz, Bolivia) Strategic Planning and Controlling – Economic Evaluations |
04/2001 – 06/2010 | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Engler-Bunte-Institute (EBI), Combustion Division Research scientist with H. Bockhorn, R. Suntz and N. Zarzalis |
05/1998 – 08/1999 | ECOPROYECTOS S.A. (Caracas, Venezuela) Project engineer |
09/1999 – 12/2002 | DAAD scholarship holder |
- Laser-based diagnostics (LIF, PIV, LII, Raman-Scattering)
- Mixing Processes (SPP 1141)
- Turbulent flows
- Galeazzo F., Cárdenas C., Sedlmaier J., Habisreuther P., Zarzalis N., Beck C., Krebs W (2013) Computational Modeling of Turbulent Mixing in a Jet in Crossflow. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. Elsevier Editorial System(tm) in printing.
- Cárdenas C., J.A. Denev, R. Suntz and H. Bockhorn, (2012). Study of parameters and entrainment of a jet in cross-flow arrangement with transition at two low Reynolds numbers. Experiments in Fluids. DOI: 10.1007/s00348-012-1333-1
- Cárdenas C., Sedlmaier J., Zarzalis N., Valdes R., Krebs W (2011) Measurement of a benchmarking jet in crossflow configuration under highly turbulent conditions. In ASME, Proceeding ASME Turbo Expo 2011: Power for Land, Sea and Air, pages 1–12.
- Cárdenas C., Suntz R., Bockhorn H., (2010) Experimental Investigation of the Mixing-Process in a Jet-in-Crossflow Arrangement by Simultaneous 2d-LIF and PIV. In Springer series on Heat and Mass Transfer, Micro and Macro Mixing, D. Mewes et al. (ed.), Springer Verlag , Berlin, Heidelberg, p. 87-103, (DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-04549-3_6).
- Cárdenas C, R. Suntz, and H. Bockhorn, (2008). Experimentelle Untersuchung von Vermischungsvorgängen in einer Jet-in-Crossflow-Anordnung. GASWÄRME International – Gas Anwendung in Industrie und Gewerbe (Brenner und Feuerung), (57) Nr. 5/2008, 337- 342.
- Cárdenas C., R. Suntz, J.A. Denev and H. Bockhorn, (2007). Two-dimensional estimation of Reynolds-fluxes and -stresses in a Jet-in-Crossflow arrangement by simultaneous 2D-LIF and PIV. Applied Physics B - Lasers and Optics, 88(4), 581-591.