Education/ Degrees
1984 | Diploma in Chemistry |
1990 | PhD in Chemistry (Dr. rer. nat.) Institute for Chemical Technology, University of Karlsruhe Thesis: Die chemische Gasphasenimprägnierung poröser Festkörper mit SiC und TiN: (Erarbeitung eines mathematischen Modells) Advisor: Prof. Dr. Erich Fitzer |
Work History
1984-2019 | Scientific employee at University of Karlsruhe, Institute for Chemical Technology / Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, Institute for Technical Chemistry und Polymer Chemistry |
- Thermodynamic calculations
- Derive kinetic models for SCR with urea from literature; especially identify the chemical reactions occurring during hydrolysis and thermolysis of urea
- Testing of reaction mechanisms using DETCHEM computer code and literature data
[1] K. Brennfleck, E. Fitzer, G. Schoch, M. Dietrich. CVD of silicon carbide interlayers and their interaction with carbon fibers and with multilayered niobium nitride coatings Proceedings - Electrochemical Society (1984), 84-6(Chem. Vap. Deposition), 649-62.
[2] E. Fitzer, W. Remmele, G. Schoch. Preparation of SIC- whisker reinforced CVD-SIC Journal de Physique Volume: 50 Issue: C-5 Supplement: 5 Pages: 209-217 DOI: 10.1051/jphyscol:1989527 Published: MAY 1989
[3] E. Fitzer, W. Fritz, G. Schoch. The Chemical Vapor Impregnation of porous solids – Modeling of the CVI- process Journal de Physique II (1991), 1(C2) 143-150
[4] G. Emig, G. Schoch, O. Wormer. Chemical Vapor Deposition of hafnium carbide and hafnium nitride Journal de Physique IV: Proceedings (1993), 3(C3, Proceedings of the Ninth European Conference on Chemical Vapour Deposition, 1993), 535-40.
[5] H.F. Ache, J. Goschnick, M. Sommer, G. Emig, G. Schoch, O. Wormer. Chemical Vapor Deposition of hafnium carbide and characterization of the deposited layers by secondary neutral mass spectrometry THIN SOLID FILMS Volume: 241 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 356-360 DOI: 10.1016/0040-6090(94)90457-X Published: APR 1 1994
[6] G. Emig, N. Popovska, G. Schoch. Chemical Vapor Deposition of silicon carbide on mesophase pitch based carbon fibers THIN SOLID FILMS Volume: 241 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 361-365 DOI: 10.1016/0040-6090(94)90458-8 Published: APR 1 1994
[7] G. Emig, N. Popovska, G. Schoch, T. Stumm. The coating of continuous carbon fiber bundles with SiC by chemical vapor deposition: A mathematical model for the CVD-process Carbon Volume: 36 Issue: 4 Pages: 407-415 DOI: 10.1016/S0008-6223(97)00213-3 Published: 1998
[8] Z.J. Hu, G. Schoch, K.J. Hüttinger. Chemistry and kinetics of chemical vapor infiltration of pyrocarbon. VII: infiltration of capillaries of equal size Carbon (2000), 38(7), 1059-1065.
[9] A. Boettcher, F. Hennrich, H. Roesner, S. Malik MM. Kappes, S. Lichtenberg, G. Schoch, O. Deutschmann. Growth of novel carbon phases by methane infiltration of free-standing single-walled carbon nanotube films. Carbon Volume: 45 Issue: 5 Pages: 1085-1096 DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2006.12.008 Published: APR 2007
[10] A. Li, G. Schoch, S. Lichtenberg, D. Zhang, O. Deutschmann. A novel CVD/CVI reactor with an in-situ sampling apparatus connected to an online GC/MS Surface & Coatings Technology Volume: 201 Issue: 22-23 Pages: 8939-8943 DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2007.05.010 Published: SEP 25 2007
[11] A. Li, S. Zhang, B. Reznik, S. Lichtenberg, G. Schoch, G. O. Deutschmann. Chemistry and kinetics of chemical vapor deposition of pyrolytic carbon from ethanol Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2011), 33(Pt. 2), 1843-1850.
[12] W. Brack, B.H., F. Birkhold, M. Kruse, G. Schoch, S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann, Kinetic modeling of urea decomposition based on systematic thermogravimetric analysis of urea and its most important by-products. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2014. 106: p. 1–8.