Research on novel chemical technologies for sustainable products, industrial processes, clean transportation, and reliable energy supply
The current research projects of the Deutschmann group focus on the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) and local pollutants (NOx, particulate matter etc.) from processes in chemical industry, traffic, transportation, and energy-intensive industries as well as on the reliable supply of energy and raw materials by the development of novel and optimization of existing chemical technologies.
We use advanced experimental and theoretical methods to study the kinetics of catalytic and electrochemical reactions and their interactions with mass and heat transport in chemical reactors, emission control devices, fuel and electrolysis cells. A special emphasis is given on the development of mathematical models and computer codes (DETCHEM and CaRMeN) for the numerical simulation of technical devices and processes.
More information on specific research topics
High-temperature catalysis
High-temperature catalysis

- Synthesis gas by catalytic partial oxidation of methane
- Partial oxidation of light alkanes to olefins
- Formation of oxygenates by partial oxidation of alkanes
- Conversion of ethanol to hydrogen
- Conversion of gasoline and diesel to hydrogen
- Conversion of kerosene to hydrogen
- Dry reforming of methane
Control of pollutant emissions
Control of pollutant emissions

- Three-way catalytic converter
- Lean NOx trap
- Diesel oxidation catalysts
- Aging of automotive catalysts
- Multi-functional conversion of chemicals and energy
- Hydrogenation of CO2 to Methanol under Dynamic Reaction Conditions: A Novel Concept for Carbon Capture and Utilization
- Laser diagnostics for catalytic reaction

of chemicals and energy
Multiphase Processes and Reactors
Multiphase Processes and Reactors
contact: Dr. Marion Börnhorst
Multiphase flows including chemical reactions are dominant processes in technical reactors and other applications, such as combustion and emission control. Our group investigates the interaction of heat and mass transfer between different phases with reaction kinetics and its effect on the overall system efficiency. This includes experimental investigations of reaction kinetics, heat and mass transfer and the development of kinetic models, which can be implemented to CFD models for simulation and optimization of the entire process. Our research focuses on multiphase systems and reactors for mobile and stationary emission control as well as for chemical energy storage.
- Multiphase chemical reactions in SCR systems
- Investigation of the reactive absorption of CO2 in a falling film reactor by laser induced fluorescence
- Gas phase reactions in diesel exhaust tract
- Cutting rising bubbles without contact
- Clean Circles – Chemical energy transport and storage by iron and iron oxides
- 3D CFD Simulation of Urea-SCR systems
- Modeling of multiphase reacting flows in catalytic systems
- Droplet/Wall-Interaction in Urea-SCR systems
- AdBlue Deposits – Experimental and numerical studies on urea injection and decomposition in SCR systems

- Optical diagnostics in combustion
- Catalytic combustion research for gas turbine application
- Catalytic radiant burner with energy recuperation