Dr. Sofia Angeli
- Group Leader
- Room: CS
- Phone: +49 721 608-46693
- sofia angeli ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Postal address:
Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry
Engesserstr. 20
Campus South Bldg. 11.21
76131 Karlsruhe
Since 03.2024 |
Group Leader at the Institute of Catalysis Research and Technology (IKFT), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. |
01.2021-05.2022 10.2023-02.2024 |
Senior Scientist/Group Leader at the Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Science (ITCP), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. |
05.2017-10.2019 |
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Science (ITCP), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. |
10.2012-07.2016: |
PhD in Chemical Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. PhD Thesis: “Hydrogen production via intensified methane steam reforming processes: Catalyst development and mechanistic approach”. |
09.2010-05.2012: |
M.Sc. in Processes and Technology of Advanced Materials School of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Master Thesis: “Development of binary and ternary organometallic framework materials of Pb(II) with (poly)hydroxy-organic substrates”. |
09.2002-04.2009: |
Diploma in Chemical Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Diploma thesis: “Design of Laboratory Unit and its Operating System for the Determination of Total Carbon in Total Suspended Particles”. |
- Kinetic modelling and simulation
- CO2 Valorisation Processes
- Catalysis for the Energy Transition
- Catalytic Removal of Pollutants
- Digitalization of Catalysis Research
- Research Data Management
(1) J. Chawla, S. Schardt, P. Lott, S. Angeli, S. Tischer, L. Maier, O. Deutschmann. Detailed Kinetic Modeling of Catalytic Oxidative Coupling of Methane. Chem. Eng. J., 2024, 148719. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2024.148719. |
(2) R. Chacko, H. Gossler, S. Angeli, O. Deutschmann, Interconnected Digital Solutions to Accelerate Modeling of the Reaction Kinetics in Catalysis. ChemCatChem, 2023, DOI: 10.1002/cctc.202301355. |
(3) A. A. Vadarlis, S. D. Angeli, A. A. Lemonidou, N. Boukis, J. Sauer, Catalytic biomass gasification in supercritical water and product gas upgrading. ChemBioEng Reviews, 2023, 4, 370-398. |
(4) R. Chacko, K. Keller, S. Tischer, A. B. Shirsath, P. Lott, S. Angeli, O. Deutschmann, Automating the Optimization of Catalytic Reaction Mechanism Parameters Using Basin-Hopping: A Proof of Concept. J. Phys. Chem. C 2022, 127, 7628-7639. |
(5) B. Kreitz, P. Lott, J. Bae, K. Blöndal, S. Angeli, Z.W. Ulissi, F. Studt, C.F. Goldsmith, O. Deutschmann, Detailed Microkinetics for the Oxidation of Exhaust Gas Emissions through Automated Mechanism Generation, ACS Catal. 2022, 12 (18), 11137–11151. |
(6) H. Gossler, J. Riedel, E. Daymo, R. Chacko, S. Angeli, O. Deutschmann, A New Approach to Research Data Management with a Focus on Traceability: Adacta. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik 2022, 94 (11), 1798–1807. |
(7) S. Hanf, S. Angeli, D. Dussol, C. Fritsch, L. Maier, M. Müller, O. Deutschmann, S. A. Schunk, Methane Dry Reforming. In: A. I. Stankiewicz, G. D. Stefanidis (Eds.) Chemical Valorisation of Carbon Dioxide, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2022. |
(8) J. Chawla, S. Schardt, S. Angeli, P. Lott, S. Tischer, L. Maier, O. Deutschmann, Oxidative Coupling of Methane over Pt/Al2O3 at High Temperature: Multiscale Modeling of the Catalytic Monolith, Catalysts 2022, 12, 189-209. |
(9) S.D. Angeli, S. Gossler, S. Lichtenberg, G. Kass, A. Agrawal, M. Valerius, K.-P. Kinzel, O. Deutschmann, Reduction of CO2 emission from off‐gases of steel industry by dry reforming of methane, Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 11852–11857. |
(10) A. Giehr, L. Maier, S. Angeli, S. A. Schunk, O. Deutschmann, Dry and steam reforming of methane: on the variation of the oxidation state of Co-based catalysts along the reactor, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59, 18790–18797. |
(11) H. Gossler, L. Maier, S. Angeli, S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann, CaRMeN: An Improved Computer-Aided Method for Developing Catalytic Reaction Mechanisms. Catalysts 2019, 9, 227. |
(12) H. Gossler, L. Maier, S. Angeli, S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann, CaRMeN: A tool for analysing and deriving kinetics in the real world. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2018, 20, 10857. |
(13) P. N. Kechagiopoulos, S. D. Angeli, A. A. Lemonidou, Low Temperature Steam Reforming of Methane: A Combined Isotopic and Microkinetic Study. Appl. Catal. B Environ. 2017, 205, 238. |
(14) S. D. Angeli, L. Turchetti, G. Monteleone, A. A. Lemonidou, Catalyst Development for Steam Reforming of Methane and Model Biogas at Low Temperature. Appl. Catal. B Environ. 2016, 181, 34. |
(15) L. Turchetti, M. A. Murmura, G. Monteleone, A. Giaconia, A. A. Lemonidou, S. D. Angeli, V. Pal¬ma, C. Ruocco, M. C. Annesini, Kinetic Assessment of Ni-Based Catalysts in Low-Temperature Methane/Biogas Steam Reforming. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2016, 41, 16865. |
(16) S. D. Angeli, F. G. Pilitsis, A. A. Lemonidou, Coke-Resistant Catalysts for Methane Steam Reforming in the Presence of Higher Hydrocarbons. In: I. Dincer, C.O. Colpan, O. Kizilkan, M. A. Ezan (Eds.) Progress in Clean Energy, Volume 2, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-319-17030-5, 2015, 469. |
(17) S. D. Angeli, F. G. Pilitsis, A. A. Lemonidou, Methane Steam Reforming at Low Temperature: Effect of Light Alkanes’ Presence on Coke Formation. Catal. Today 2015, 242 (PartA), 119. |
(18) S. D. Angeli, C. S. Martavaltzi, A. A. Lemonidou, Development of a Novel-Synthesized Ca-Based CO2 Sorbent for Multicycle Operation: Parametric Study of Sorption. Fuel 2014, 127, 62. |
(19) S. D. Angeli, G. Monteleone, A. Giaconia, A. A. Lemonidou, State-of-the-Art Catalysts for CH4 Steam Reforming at Low Temperature. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2014, 39, 1979. |
(20) S. D. Angeli, G. Monteleone, A. Giaconia, A. A. Lemonidou, Low Temperature Methane Steam Reforming: Catalytic Activity and Coke Deposition Study. Chem. Eng. Trans. 2013, 35, 1201. |
(21) L. Turchetti, G. Monteleone, A. Giaconia, S. Sau, V. Palma, F. Castaldo, A. A. Lemonidou, S. D. Angeli, Time-on-Stream Stability of New Catalysts for Low-Temperature Steam Reforming of Biogas. Chem. Eng. Trans. 2013, 35, 685. |