Education/ Degrees
03/01 - 12/04 Ph.D. degree
Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China.
Dissertation: Prediction of C/C Composite Properties and Virtual Design of ICVI Processes
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Hejun Li
09/98 - 03/01 M.S. degree
Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Thesis: Research on the Artificial Neural Network System and Database of CVI Process for Fabrication of Carbon/carbon Composites.
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Hejun Li
09/94 - 07/98 B.M.E. degree
Mechanical Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Thesis: Numerical Analysis of Muller Vibration Modes by FEM
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ning Zhao
Work History
04/05- 04/08 Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
PostDoc.: Chemical vapor deposition and infiltration of pyrolytic carbon.
The CVI project was performed in the Sonderforschungsbereich 551 “Carbon from the gas phase: elementary reactions, structures, materials” supported by the Deutsche Forschungs-gemeinschaft. In this project, I am responsible for experimental design, modeling and simulation of chemical vapor infiltration/ deposition (CVI/CVD) of pyrolytic carbon from light hydrocarbons. I try to give deep insight into the complex interaction of multi-physical and chemical phenomena involved in CVI processes and figure out the governing relationship between processing parameters and properties of composites.
04/08-2010 Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Academic staff: Carbon related projects
My research interests focus on fundamental research on modeling, simulation and synthesis of fiber reinforced composites (such as C/C, SiC/C and SiC/SiC) by chemical vapor infiltration processes.
2) MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer), Microsoft in 2000.
3) CET-6 (College English Test), Ministry of Education of PRC in 1998
Transient Modeling of Chemical Vapor Infiltration of Methane Using Multi-step Reaction and Deposition Models
1) LI Aijun, LI Hejun, LI Kezhi, GU Zhengbing. Modeling of CVI Process in Fabrication of Carbon/Carbon Composites by an Artificial Neural Network. Science in China (Series E), 2003, 46(2): 173-181
2) LI Aijun, LI Hejun, LI Kezhi, GU Zhengbing. Applications of Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms to CVI Processes in Carbon/Carbon Composites. ACTA Materialia, 2004, 52(2): 299-305
3) LI Hejun, LI Aijun, Bai Ruicheng, LI Kezhi. Numerical simulation of chemical vapor infiltration of propylene into C/C composites with reduced multi-step kinetic models. Carbon, 2005, 43: 2937-2950.
4) Aijun Li, Olaf Deutschmann. Transient modeling of chemical vapor infiltration of methane using multi-step reaction and deposition models. Chemical Engineering Science, 2007, 62: 4976 – 4982
5) Aijun Li, Günter Schoch, Sven Lichtenberg, Dan Zhang, Olaf Deutschmann. A novel CVD/CVI reactor with an in situ sampling apparatus connected to an online GC/MS. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2007, 201(22-23): 8939-8943.
6) Aijun Li, Koyo Norinaga, Weigang Zhang and Olaf Deutschmann. Modeling and simulation of materials synthesis: chemical vapor deposition and infiltration of pyrolytic carbon. Composite Science and Technology (2007), doi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2007.07.007
7) Aijun Li, Olaf Deutschmann, Claudia Essmann, Günter Schoch, Sven Lichtenberg. Influence of transport models on numerical analysis of chemical vapor infiltration for synthesis of c/c composites. The International Carbon Conference, July 2008, Japan (Oral)
8) Aijun Li, Günter Schoch, Sven Lichtenberg, Dan Zhang, Olaf Deutschmann. A novel CVD/CVI reactor with an in situ sampling apparatus connected to an online GC/MS. Sixteenth European Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition, September 2007, The Netherlands
9) Aijun Li, Günter Schoch, Sven Lichtenberg, Olaf Deutschmann. Property estimation of a 2D carbon fiber preform: for the simulation of ICVI processes. The International Carbon Conference, July 2007, USA (Oral)
10) Aijun Li, Günter Schoch, Olaf Deutschmann. Numerical prediction and measure- ment of 2D density distribution of C/C composites synthesized by chemical vapor infiltration. Bunsentagung 2007, May 2007, Austria (Oral)
11) Aijun Li, Koyo Norinaga, Olaf Deutschmann. Modeling and simulation of materials synthesis: chemical vapor deposition and infiltration of pyrolytic carbon. The International Workshop “Research in Mechanics of Composites 2006” 26th -29th November, Germany. (Oral)
12) Aijun Li, Olaf Deutschmann, Andreas Pfrang, Thomas Schimmel. Transient 2D simulation of CVI of methane using multi-step deposition and hydrogen inhibition models. The International Carbon Conference, 16th -21st, July, 2006, Aberdeen, Scotland (Oral)
13) Aijun Li, Olaf Deutschmann, Hejun Li. Numerical Simulation of Chemical Vapor Infiltration of Carbon from Methane. The International Carbon Conference, 3rd -7th, July, 2005, Gyeongju, Korea (Oral)
14) LI Aijun, LI Hejun, LI Kezhi, Gu Zhengbing. Modeling the correlation between CVI processing parameters and density of carbon/carbon composites using artificial neural network and genetic algorithms. The International Carbon Conference, Beijing, 2002 (Oral)