Education/ Degrees
2004 PhD in Chemistry (Dr. rer. nat.)
Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing, University of Heidelberg
Thesis: Simulation of catalytic monolith reactors using detailed models for chemistry and transport
Advisors: Olaf Deutschmann, Jürgen Warnatz
1999 MS in Physics (Dipl.-Phys.)
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Thesis: Investigation of the open tip phenomenon of hydrogen diffusion flames under microgravity
1996 BSc (Hons.) in Applied Physics
University of Portsmouth
Work History
since 10/10
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Institute for Nuclear and Energy Technologies (IKET), |
11/06 – 9/10
University of Karlsruhe (later: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry (ITCP) |
2/06 – 10/06 |
Corning Inc., Corning, NY, USA
Post-doctoral research scientist at Modeling & Simulation Department: |
3/03 – 2/06 |
University of Karlsruhe, Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry |
12/99 – 12/03 |
University of Heidelberg, Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) |
2004 Sophie-Bernthsen-award of the Faculty for Chemistry and Geo-sciences of Heidelberg University
Computational Tools
- Development of models and simulation tools for reacting flows in structured multi-phase reactors (e.g. monolithic catalysts, three-way catalysts, storage catalysts, soot particle filters)
- Washcoat modelling
- Thermodynamic consistency of surface reaction mechanisms
- Parameter optimization
Automotive Catalytic Converters
- Three-Way Catalysts
- NOx-Storage Catalysts
- Diesel Oxidation Catalysts
- Soot Particle Filters
Catalytic Combustion and Partial Oxidation
Chemically Reacting Three-Phase Systems
J. Rink, B. Mozaffari, S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann, M. Votsmeier. Real-time simulation of dual-layer catalytic converters. Topics in Catalysis (2016) 1-5.
B. Mozaffari, S. Tischer, M. Votsmeier, O. Deutschmann. A one-dimensional modelling approach for dual-layer monolithic catalysts. Chem. Eng. Sci. 139 (2016) 196–210.
K. Herrera Delgado, H. Stotz, L. Maier, S. Tischer, A. Zellner, O. Deutschmann. Surface Reaction Kinetics of Steam- and CO2-Reforming as well as Oxidation of Methane over Nickel-based Catalysts. Catalysts 5 (2015) 871-904.
H. Karadeniz, C. Karakaya, S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann. Mass transfer effects in stagnation flows on a porous catalyst: Water-Gas-Shift reaction over Rh/Al2O3. Zeitschrift f. Phys. Chem. (2015)
C. Eßmann, L. Maier, A. Li, S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann. Natural Gas Steam Reforming over Rhodium/Alumina Catalysts: Experimental and Numerical Study of the Carbon Deposition from Ethylene and Carbon Monoxide. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 53 (2014) 12270-12278.
C. Hauck, S. Tischer, L. Maier, O. Deutschmann. Estimation and Modeling of Local Aging Effects of Three-Way-Catalysts by Analysis of Their Spatial Temperature and CO Conversion Profiles. Canadian J. Chem. Eng. 92, Issue 9 (2014) 1587-1596.
D. Chan, S. Tischer, J. Heck, C. Diehm, O. Deutschmann. Correlation between catalytic activity and catalytic surface area of a Pt/Al2O3 DOC: An experimental and microkinetic modeling study. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 156 (2014) 153-165.
W. Brack, B. Heine, F. Birkhold, M. Kruse, G. Schoch, S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann. Kinetic modeling of urea decomposition based on systematic thermogravimetric analysis of urea and its most important by-products. Chem. Eng. Sci. 106(2014)1–8.
S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann. Numerical simulation of catalytic reactors by molecular-based models. In Model Based Parameter Estimation - Theory and Applications. H.G. Bock, T. Carraro, W. Jaeger, S. Koerkel, R. Rannacher, J.P. Schloeder (Eds.), Springer, Heidelberg (2013), 227-250.
V. Menon, V. M. Janardhanan, S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann. Internal Multi-Physics Phenomena of SOFC with Direct Internal Reforming. ECS Transactions 57 (2013) 2475-2484.
H. Karadeniz, C. Karakaya, S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann. Numerical Modeling of stagnation flows on porous catalytic surfaces: CO oxidation on Rh/Al2O3. Chem. Eng. Sci. 104 (2013), 899-907.
K. Hauff, W. Boll, D. Chan, S. Tischer, U. Tuttlies, G. Eigenberger, O. Deutschmann, U. Nieken. Macro- and microkinetic simulation of DOC: effect of aging, noble metal loading and platinum oxidation. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 85 (2013), 673-685.
V. Menon, V.M. Janardhanan, S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann. A Novel Approach to Model Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell Stack. J. Power Sources 214 (2012), 227-238.
L. Maier, M. Hartmann, S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann. Interaction of heterogeneous and homogeneous kinetics with mass and heat transfer in catalytic reforming of logistic fuels. Combustion and Flame 158 (2011), 796-808.
L. Maier, B. Schädel, K. Herrera Delgado, S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann. Steam Reforming of Methane over Nickel: Development of a Multi-Step Surface Reaction Mechanism. Topics in Catalysis 54 (2011), 845-858.
S. Appari, V.M. Janardhanan, S. Jayanti, L. Maier, S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann. Micro-kinetic modeling of NH3 decomposition on Ni and ist application to solid oxide fuel cells. Chemical Engineering Science 66 (2011), 5184-5191.
N. M. Mladenov, S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann. Estimation of local aging effects of three-way-catalysts by analysis of their spatial temperature profile in operation. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 83 (2011), 1688-1696.
L. Maier, M. Hartmann, S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann. Interaction of heterogeneous and homogeneous kinetics with mass and heat transfer in catalytic reforming of logistic fuels. Combustion and Flame 158 (2011), 796-808.
W. Boll, S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann. Loading and aging effects in exhaust-gas after-treatment catalysts. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 49 (2010), 10303–10310.
N. Mladenov, J. Koop, S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann. Modeling of transport and chemistry in channel flows of automotive catalytic converters. Chem. Eng. Sci. 65 (2010), 812-826.
H.D. Minh, H. G. Bock, S.Tischer, O. Deutschmann. Optimization of Two-Dimensional Flows with Homogeneous and Heterogeneously Catalyzed Gas-Phase Reactions. AIChE J. 54 (2008), 2432-2440.
R.U. Khan, S. Bajohr, D. Buchholz, R. Reimert, H.D. Minh, K. Norinaga, V.M. Janardhanan, S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann. Pyrolysis of propane under vacuum carburizing conditions: An experimental and modeling study. Journal of analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 81 (2008), 148-156.
S. Tischer, Y. Jiang, K. W. Hughes, M. D. Patil, M. Murtagh. Three-Way-Catalyst Modeling – A Comparison of 1D and 2D simulations. SAE Technical paper 2007-01-1071 (2007).
S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann. Recent advances in numerical modeling of catalytic monolith reactors. Catalysis Today 105 (2005), 407-413.
R. Schwiedernoch, S. Tischer, H.-R. Volpp, O. Deutschmann. Towards a better understanding of transient processes in catalytic oxidation reactors. Natural Gas Conversion VI, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 147 (2004), 511-516.
J. Windmann, J. Braun, P. Zacke, S. Tischer, O. Deutschmann, J. Warnatz. Impact of the inlet flow distribution on the light-off behavior of a 3-way catalytic converter. SAE Technical paper 2003-01-0937 (2003).
R. Schwiedernoch, S. Tischer, C. Correa, O. Deutschmann. Experimental and Numerical Study of the Transient Behavior of a Catalytic Partial Oxidation Monolith, Chemical Engeneering Science 58 (2003), 633-642.
R. Schwiedernoch, S. Tischer, C. Correa, O. Deutschmann, J. Warnatz. Experimental and numerical investigation of the ignition of methane combustion in a platinum-coated honeycomb monolith. 29th International Symposium on Combustion (2002), 1005-1011.
J. Braun, T. Hauber, H. Többen, J. Windmann, P. Zacke, D. Chatterjee, C. Correa, O. Deutschmann, L. Maier, S. Tischer, J. Warnatz. Three-Dimensional Simulation of the Transient Behavior of a Three-Way Catalytic Converter. SAE Technical paper 2002-01-0065 (2002).
S. Tischer, C. Correa, O. Deutschmann. Transient three-dimensional simulation of a catalytic combustion monolith using detailed models for heterogeneous and homogeneous reactions and transport phenomena. Catalysis Today 69 (2001), 57-62.
L. Sitzki, K. Tittmann, S. Tischer, H. Rau, S. Wussow, R. Grabski. Investigations of the Gravitational Effect on Diffusion Flames. Spaceforum 00:07-10 (2000).
L. Sitzki, K. Tittmann, S. Tischer, H. Rau, S. Wussow, R. Grabski. Investigations of the Gravitational Effect on Diffusion Flames. Procedings "Drop Tower Days" 12-B-12 (1998).