Research Initiatives
- SPP2080: DFG Priority Program "Catalysts and reactors under dynamic conditions for energy storage and conversion"
- TrackAct: SFB1441 - Tracking the active site in heterogeneous catalysis
- DAPHNE4NFDI: DAta from PHoton and Neutron Experiments
- BIKE: Bimetallic catalyst knowledge-based development for energy applications
- 3D-Process: „Disruptive Reaktorkonzepte durch additive Fertigung: Vom digitalen Design in die industrielle Umsetzung“ (Disruptive reactor concepts by means of additive manufacturing: From the digital design to industrial implementation)
- Care-o-sene: Catalyst Research for Sustainable Kerosene
- Exhaust Center Karlsruhe
- Clean Circles: Eisen als Energieträger einer klimaneutralen Kreislaufwirtschaft