Matthias Hettel
- Akademischer Oberrat / Gruppenleiter
- Raum: 207
CS 11.21 - Tel.: +49 721 608-44269
- matthias hettel ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Postal address:
Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry
Engesserstr. 20
Campus South Bldg. 11.21
76131 Karlsruhe
Education / Degrees
Specialising in Energy Technology and Fluid Dynamics
2006 PhD in Chemical Engineering (Dr.-Ing.)
University of Karlsruhe
Thesis: Numerische und analytische Untersuchungen der Dynamik von Vormischflammen sowie deren Interaktion mit Ringwirbelstrukturen
Advisors: Prof. Dr. Ing. Henning Bockhorn, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Ulrich Maas
Modelling and Numerical Simulation of reactive and non-reactive Flows
Some Examples:
Flows without reaction
Flows with gasphase reactions
- Steady-state laminar premixed flames
- Unsteady laminar diffusion flames and soot formation
- Steady-state turbulent premixed flames
- Steady-state turbulent diffusion flames
- Unsteady turbulent premixed flames
- Pyrolysis and combustion of wood
Flows with surface reactions
Fluidized bed reactors
Other topics
Articles in journals and books
E. Daymo, A. L. Tonkovich, M. Hettel, A. Shirsath. 1D and 2D porous media fixed bed reactor simulations with DUO: Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) validation test. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1312 (2024) 012004 |
E. Daymo, A. L. Tonkovich, M. Hettel, A. Shirsath. 1D and 2D porous media fixed bed reactor simulations with DUO, Meccanica (2024) |
E. Daymo, M. Hettel, O. Deutschmann, G. Wehinger. Accelerating particle-resolved CFD simulations of catalytic fixed-bed reactors with DUO. Chemical Engineering Science 250 (2022) 117408 |
M. Hettel, E. Daymo, T. Schmidt, O. Deutschmann. CFD-Modeling of fluid domains with embedded monoliths with emphasis on automotive converters. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 147 (2020) |
E. Daymo, A. L. Tonkonovich, M. Hettel, J. Guerrero. Accelerating reactor development with accessible simulation and automated optimization tools. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 142 (2019) |
W. Benzinger, E. Daymo, M. Hettel, L. Maier, C. Antinori, P. Pfeifer, O. Deutschmann. Reverse Water Gas Shift (RWGS) over Ni - Spatially-Resolved Measurements and Simulations. Chemical Engineering Journal 362 (2019) P430-441. |
B. Torkashvand, L. Maier, M. Hettel, T. Schedlbauer, J.-D. Grunwaldt, O. Deutschmann. On the challenges and constrains of ultra-low emission limits: Formaldehyde oxidation in catalytic sinusoidal-shaped channels. Chem. Eng. Sci. 195 (2019) 841–850. |
B. Torkashvand, P. Lott, D. Zengel, L. Maier, J.-D. Grunwaldt, O. Deutschmann. Homogeneous oxidation of light alkanes in the exhaust of lean-burn gas engines promoted by NOx. Chemical Engineering Journal 377 (2019) |
M. Hettel, M. Wörner, O. Deutschmann. Computational Fluid Dynamics of Catalytic Reactors. Chapter 6-1 in Handbook of Materials Modeling, W. Andreoni, S. Yip (eds.), Springer Nature (2018) |
V. Kappings, C. Grün, D. Ivannikov, I. Hebeiss, S. Kattge, I. Wendland, B. E. Rapp, M. Hettel, O. Deutschmann, U. Schepers (2018) vasQchip: A Novel Microfluidic, Artificial Blood Vessel Scaffold for Vascularized 3D Tissues. Adv. Mater. Technol. 1700246. ( |
Hettel, M., Daymo, E., Deutschmann, O. (2018) 3D modeling of a CPOX-reformer including detailed chemistry and radiation effects with DUO. Computers and Chemical Engineering, Vol 109, pages 166–178 |
Hettel, M., Denev, J., Deutschmann, O. (2016) Two-Zone Fluidized Bed Reactors for Butadiene Production: A Multiphysical Approach with Solver Coupling for Supercomputing Application, In: High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’16, W. E. Nagel et al. (eds.) (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-47066-5_19) |
34. Hettel, M., C. Antinori, C., Deutschmann, O., (2016) CFD-Evaluation of In-situ Probe Techniques for Catalytic Honeycomb Monoliths, Emission Control Science & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp 188–203 |
Gossler, H.; Kee, B. J.; Zhu, H., Hettel, M., Deutschmann, O.; Kee, R. J., (2016) Flow and pressure characteristics in rectangular channels with internal cylindrical bodies, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol 149, Pages 296-305 |
Hettel, M., C. Diehm, C., Deutschmann, O., (2015). Numerical simulation of a structured catalytic methane reformer by DUO: the new computational interface for OpenFOAM and DETCHEM. Catalysis Today, Vol 258, Pages 230–240. (doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2015.02.011) |
Hettel, M., Diehm, C., Deutschmann, O., (2014). Answer to the Comment from Goguet et al. to the paper “The Critical evaluation of in situ probe techniques for catalytic honeycomb monoliths”. Catalysis Today, Vol 236, Part B, 1 November 2014, Pages 209-213 |
Diehm, C., Karadeniz, H., Karakaya, C., Hettel, M., Deutschmann, O., (2014). Spatial Resolution of Species and Temperature Profiles in Catalytic Reactors: In-Situ Sampling Techniques and CFD Modeling. In Anthony Dixon, editor: Modeling and Simulation of Heterogeneous Catalytic Processes, Vol 45, ACHE, UK: Academic Press, 2014, pp. 41-95. |
Hettel, M., Diehm, C., Torkashvand, B., Deutschmann, O., (2013). Critical Evaluation of In-situ Probe Techniques for Catalytic Honeycomb Monoliths. CatalysisToday, Vol 216, 2-10 (doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2013.05.005) |
Zhang, F., Habisreuther, P., Hettel, M., Bockhorn, H., (2012). Numerical computation of combustion induced noise using compressible LES and hybrid CFD/CAA methods. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 98, 120-134. (doi:10.3813/AAA.918498). |
Zhang, F., Habisreuther, P., Hettel, M., Bockhorn, H., (2011). Numerical simulation of noise emission from a non-premixed flame. Gaswärme International, 3/2011, 1-6. |
Hettel, M., Seidelt, S., Haußmann, M., Bockhorn H., (2011). Modellierung der Holzverbrennung: Pyrolysekinetik und Partikelmodell, 25. Deutscher Flammentag, VDI-Berichte 1890, Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (ed.), p. 87-93. |
Zhang, F, Habisreuther, P, Hettel, M., Bockhorn, H., (2011). A newly developed unified TFC combustion model for numerical simulation of turbulent gas flames, 25. Deutscher Flammentag, VDI-Berichte 1890, Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (ed.), p. 177-182. |
Zhang, F., Habisreuther, P., Hettel, M., Bockhorn, H., (2010). Application of a Unified TFC Model to Numerical Simulation of a Turbulent Non-Premixed Flame, in Proceedings of the 8th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements - ETMM8, vol. 2, European Research Collaboration on Flow Turbulence and Combustion, ERCOFTAC, June, 9-11, Marseilles, France, p. 681-686. |
Bockhorn, H., Habisreuther, P., Hettel, M., (2009) Numerical Modelling of Technical Combustion. In 100 Volumes of “Notes on numerical Fluid Mechanics”, Hirschel, E. H., Krause, E. (ed.). |
Zhang, F., Habisreuther, P., Hettel, M., Bockhorn, (2009). Numerical Investigations of the Noise Sources Generated in a Swirl Stabilized Flame. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 95, 418-427.(doi:10.3813/AAA.918166) |
Zhang, F., Habisreuther, P., Hettel, M., Bockhorn, H., (2009). Modelling of a Premixed Swirl-stabilized Flame Using a Turbulent Flame Speed Closure Model in LES. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 82, 537-551.(doi:10.1007/s10494-008-9175-x) |
Zhang, F., Habisreuther, P., Hettel, M., Bockhorn, H., (2008). Numerical investigations of the noise sources generated in a swirl stabilized flame. , in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 08, DEGA. |
Zhang, F., Habisreuther, P., Hettel, M., Bockhorn, H., (2007). Modelling of a Premixed Swirl-Stabilized Combustor using a Turbulent Flame Speed Closure Model in LES, in Computational Combustion 2007, Proc. 2nd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, ECCOMAS, Delft, Netherland, 18./20. Juli. |
Hettel, M., Wetzel, F., Habisreuther, P., Bockhorn, H., (2007). Numerical Verification of the Similarity Laws for the Formation of Laminar Vortex Rings. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 590, 35-60. |
Zhang, F., Habisreuther, P., Hettel, M., Bockhorn, H., (2007). Computational Method on Prediction of Combustion Noise, in Proc. of the 19th International Congress on Acoustics, International Commission for Acoustics, ICA, Madrid, Spain, 2.-7. September. |
Hettel, M., (2006), Analytische und numerische Untersuchungen der Dynamik von Vormischflammen sowie deren Interaktion mit Ringwirbelstrukturen, Dissertation, Universität Karlsruhe. |
Hettel, M., Habisreuther, P., Weiß, M., Büchner, H., Bockhorn, H., Zarzalis, N., (2005). URANS-Modelling of Pulsed Turbulent Jets and Premixed Jet Flames. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics (PCFD), 5, 386-397. |
Hettel, M., Habisreuther, P., Bockhorn, H., (2005). Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) - Modeling of Flame Transfer Functions of Turbulent Premixed Jet Flames (Paper: 670) , in Proceedings of Twelfth International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV12) , vol. CD-ROM, International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration. |
Hettel, M., Bockhorn, H., (2005). Rückkoppelung Flamme-Strömungsfeld bei der Entstehung von Brennkammerschwingungen. in Freiberger Forschungshefte , vol. C505, 56. Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Tag, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, p. 36-41. |
Hettel, M., Habisreuther, P., Bockhorn, H., (2005). URANS-Modellierung von Frequenzgängen vorgemischter turbulenter Axialstrahlflammen. , in Verbrennung und Feuerungen - 22. Deutscher Flammentag, VDI-Berichte 1888, Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (ed.), Düsseldorf, p. 395-400. |
Hettel, M., Habisreuther, P., Büchner, H., Bockhorn, H., Zarzalis, N., (2004). URANS-Modelling of Flame Transfer Functions of Turbulent Premixed Jet Flames (Paper: 2004-GT-53808) , in Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2004, Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress, ASME, June 14th-17th, Vienna, Austria. |
Hettel, M., Habisreuther, P., Büchner, H., Bockhorn, H., Zarzalis, N., (2004). Modeling of Turbulent Ring Vortices and Their Interaction with Turbulent Premixed Flames. Combustion Science and Technology, 176, 835-850. |
Hettel, M., Habisreuther, P., Büchner, H., Bockhorn, H., Zarzalis, N., (2003). Modelling of Ring-Vortices and their Interaction with Turbulent Premixed Flames, in Proceedings of the Third Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, June 8.-13., Marrakech, Morocco, p. 1015-1026. |
Hettel, M., Habisreuther, P., Büchner, H., Bockhorn, H., Zarzalis, N., (2003). Modelling of Flame Frequency Response of Turbulent Premixed Flames. , in Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting 2003 (ECM2003), Federation of the European Sections of the Combustion Institute, Orleans. |
Hettel, M., Habisreuther, P., Büchner, H., Bockhorn, H., Zarzalis, N., (2003). Modellierung des Übertragungsverhaltens von turbulenten, vorgemischten, freibrennenden Axialstrahlflammen. , in Verbrennung und Feuerungen - 21. Deutscher Flammentag, VDI-Berichte 1750, Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (ed.), Düsseldorf, p. 733-738. |
Zarzalis, N., Ripplinger, T., Hohmann, S., Hettel, M., Merkle, K., Leuckel, W., Klose, G., Meier, R., Koch, R., Wittig, S., Carl, M., Behrendt, T., Hassa, C., Meier, U., Lückerath, R., Stricker, W., (2002). Low-NOx Combustor Development national research program in a cooperative effort among engine Manufacturer MTU, University of Karlsruhe and DLR German Aerospace Research Center. Aerospace Science and Technology, 6, 531-544. |
Klose, G., Hettel, M., Zarzalis, N., Schmehl, R., Meier, R., Maier, G., Koch, R., Leuckel, W., Wittig, S., (2001). Evaluation of Advanced Two-Phase Flow and Combustion Models for Predicting Low Emission Combustors. Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 123, 817-823. |
Hettel, M., Leuckel, W., Klose, G., Schmehl, R., Meier, R., Maier, G., Koch, R., Wittig, S., Zarzalis, N., Hohmann, S., (2000). Evaluierung fortschrittlicher Modelle zur Berechnung von Zweiphasenströmungen, in DGLR-Jahrbuch 2000, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, 18.-21.9. 2000, Leipzig. |
Klose, G., Hettel, M., Zarzalis, N., Schmehl, R., Meier, R., Maier, G., Koch, R., Leuckel, W., Wittig, S., (2000). Evaluation of Advanced Two-Phase Flow and Combustion Models for Predicting Low Emission Combustors (Paper: 2000-GT-0133), in Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2000, 45th ASME Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress, ASME, May 8th-11th, Munich, Germany. |
Zajadatz, M., Hettel, M., Leuckel, W., (1998). Burning Velocity of High-Turbulence Natural Gas Flames for Gas Turbine Application, in Prodeedings of the International Gas Research Conference, 8.-11.11.98, San Diego, CA, p. 793 - 803. |
Hettel, M., Schmid, H.-P., Lenze, B., (1997). Flame Structures of Highly Turbulent Premixed Flames: Measurements and Numerical Calculations, in Proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC97), 12.-15. 5.97, Osaka, Japan. |
M. Hettel, E. Daymo, T. Schmidt, O. Deutschmann (2019) CFD-Modeling of Automotive Catalytic Converters. MODEGAT VI: 6th International Symposium on Modeling of Exhaust-Gas After-Treatment, Sept. 8-10, 2019 Bad Herrenalb/Karlsruhe, Germany |
E. Daymo, A. L. Tonkonovich, M. Hettel, J. Guerrero (2018) Accelerating Microreactor Development with Accessible Simulation and Automated Optimization Tools. IMRET 2018 15th International Conference on Micro Reaction. 21 – 24 October 2018 Karlsruhe, Germany |
Hettel, M., Denev, J., Rischard, J. , Deutschmann, O. (2016) Modeling of a Two-Zone Fluidized Bed Reactor, The 19th Results and Review Workshop of the HLRS, October 13-14, Stuttgart, Germany, 2016 |
Hettel, M., Antinori, C., Deutschmann, O. (2016) Numerical simulation of a structured catalytic methane reformer by DUO, the coupling of OpenFOAM® and DETCHEMTM, ICOSCAR5 International Conference on Structured Catalysts and Reactors, June 22-24, 2016, San Sebastian, Spain |
Hettel, M., Antinori, C., Deutschmann, O. (2016) CFD simulation of a structured catalytic methane reformer including detailed chemistry,NGCS11 Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, 5.-9.7.2016, Tromso, Norway |
Posterpreis der Fachgruppe Reaktionstechnik: Hettel, M., Diehm, C., Deutschmann, O., (2013). Gekoppelte 2D/3D-CFD-Berechnung eines monolithischen Reaktors für die katalytische Partialoxidation. Jahrestreffen Reaktionstechnik 2014, 28.-30. April, 2014, Würzburg, Germany |
Bockhorn, H., Großschmidt, D., Hettel, M., Hentschel, J., Suntz, R., (2004). Soot Formation in Oscillating and Steady Diffusion Flames under Elevated Pressure. 30th International Symposium on Combustion, Chicago, US, July 2004 |
Bockhorn, H., Zarzalis, N., Großschmidt, D., Habisreuther, P., Hettel, M., Hoffmann, A., Knochenhauer, G., Lischer, T., Wetzel, F., (2002). Numerical simulation of turbulent reacting systems. 1st International SFB568-WORKSHOP "Trends in numerical and physical modelling for turbulent processes in gas turbine combustors", TU-Darmstadt, Germany, 14.-15. November 2002. |
Oral presentations
M. Hettel, E. Daymo, T. Schmidt, O. Deutschmann (2019) CFD Modeling of Flow Regions with Embedded Monoliths. ICOSCAR 6: 6th International Conference on Structured Catalysts and Reactors, Sept. 11-13 2019 Bad Herrenalb/Karlsruhe, Germany |
Hettel, M., Deutschmann, O. (2017) CFD-DEM Modelling of Residence Time Distributions of Particles in a Two-Zone Fluidized Bed Reactor (TZFBR). PARTICLES 2017, Hannover, Germany, 25.-28.09.2017 |
Hettel, M. (2011) Modellierung der Holzverbrennung: Pyrolysekinetik und Partikelmodell, 25. Deutscher Flammentag, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 14.- 15.9.2011 |
Hettel, M. (2005) URANS-Modellierung von Frequenzgängen vorgemischter turbulenter Axialstrahlflammen. 22. Deutscher Flammentag, Braunschweig |
Hettel, M. (2005) Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) - Modeling of Flame Transfer Functions of Turbulent Premixed Jet Flames. , Twelfth International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV12) , Lissabon, Portugal, 11.-14.7.2005 |
Hettel, M. (2005) Rückkoppelung Flamme-Strömungsfeld bei der Entstehung von Brennkammerschwingungen. 56. Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Tag, Freiberg, Deutschland, 15.06.2005 |
Hettel, M. (2004). URANS-Modelling of Flame Transfer Functions of Turbulent Premixed Jet Flames, ASME Turbo Expo 2004, Wien, Österreich, 14.-17.7.2004 |
Hettel, M. (2003). Modellierung des Übertragungsverhaltens von turbulenten, vorgemischten, freibrennenden Axialstrahlflammen. 21. Deutscher Flammentag, Düsseldorf |
Hettel, M. (2003) Modelling of Ring-Vortices and their Interaction with Turbulent Premixed Flames. Third Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Marrakesch, Marocco, 8.-13.6.2003 |
Hettel, M. (2000). Evaluierung fortschrittlicher Modelle zur Berechnung von Zweiphasenströmungen. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Leipzig, Deutschland, 18.-21.9.2000 |