Spektroskopie und Beugungsmethoden am Synchrotron; Physikalisch-chemische Grundlagen und Anwendungen in der Katalyse

  • Typ: Vorlesung (V)
  • Lehrstuhl: KIT-Fakultäten - KIT-Fakultät für Chemie und Biowissenschaften
  • Semester: SS 2024
  • Zeit: Mi. 17.04.2024
    15:45 - 17:15, wöchentlich
    11.21 Seminarraum 006
    11.21 Chemische Technik (EG)

  • Dozent: Dr. Thomas Sheppard
    Dr. Anna Zimina
    Dr. Dmitry Doronkin
    Prof. Dr. Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt
  • SWS: 2
  • LVNr.: 5442

Spektroskopie und Beugungsmethoden am Synchrotron; Physikalisch-chemische Grundlagen und Anwendungen in der Katalyse

Plan of the current course (WS 2020/2021)

Der Kursus-Plan wird am ersten Tag (05.11.2020, 8.00 h) besprochen. Der Kursus wird on-line und teilweise als Block im Januar 2021 stattfinden. Falls Sie nicht kommen können, schreiben Sie bitte eine Email an: Prof. Dr. Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt

The plan of the course will be discussed on the first day (05.11.2020, 8.00 h). If you cannot come on the first date please write an Email to: Prof. Dr. Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt

Please register on-line via ILIAS.


Previous courses

Plan for a previous course (SS 2017) and files for download (password-protected):

Overview on the Course 5442 Spektroskopie und Beugungsmethoden am Synchrotron; Physikalisch-chemische Grundlagen und Anwendungen in der Katalyse (SS 2017, Grunwaldt & Lichtenberg)

Course material is only to be used for personal usage.


26.04.2017 Synchrotron radiation & synchrotron light sources (Download)
10.05.2017 Introduction to XAS, EXAFS, CAT-ACT (Download)
24.05.2017 XANES, XES, RIXS (Download)
07.06.2017 Tomography, X-ray Microscopy Surface Analysis by XPS in the Lab & with SR (Download)
21.06.217 Time resolved XAS (QEXAFS/DEXAFS) and in situ cell design, spatially resolved XAS, Modulation excitation
05.07.2017 Raman Spectroscopy combined with XAS, operando-spectroscopy SAXS (Download)
19.07.2017 IR combined with XAS, XRD/ED-XRD (Download 1, Download 2)
26.07.2017 Visit to ANKA / Soft X-ray Spectroscopy
18./19.09. Block Course: XAS data Analysis (Hand on) at CAT-ACT workshop


Plan for a previous course (WS 2014/2015) and files for download (password-protected):

Course material is only to be used for personal usage.

22.10.2014 Synchrotron radiation & synchrotron light sources (Download Introduction, Synchrotron radiation)
29.10.2014 New CAT-ACT beamline (Download)
05.11.2014 X-ray absorption & X-ray fluorescence, Introduction to XAS (Download)
12.11.2014 X-ray absorption near edge and X-ray emission spectroscopy (XANES, XES, RIXS, Download)
19.11.2014 Introduction to XAS data analysis (Download)
26.11.2014 XANES/EXAFS data analysis exercises
03.12.2014 In situ (operando)studies and cell design (Download)
10.12.2014 Spatially resolved XAS (Download), X-ray microscopy (Download)
17.12.2014 XRD /In situ XRD ( ...using synchrotron rad., data analysis, applications in catalysis, download)
14.01.2015 IR spectroscopy (combined with XAS, download), SAXS (download)
21.01.2015 Raman spectroscopy (combined with XAS, download)
28.01.2015 Surface analysis by XPS: From the lab to synchrotron radiation based studies (download)
04.02.2015 Soft x-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy: experimental methods, in situ applications (Lothar Weinhardt, Clemens Heske, download)
11.02.2015 Visit to ANKA (Meeting point: Busstop campus south 8.25 h or main gate, campus north, 8:50, please contact the lecturers beforehand to get Access)
Plan for a previous course (SS 2016) and files for download (password-protected):
20.04.2016 Welcome; Synchrotron radiation & synchrotron light sources (Download)
26.04.2016 X-ray absorption & X-ray fluorescence, Introduction to XAS (Download)
11.05.2016 X-ray absorption near edge and X-ray emission spectroscopy (XANES, XES, RIXS, etc.) (Download)
25.05.2016 CAT-ACT beamline / XAS data analysis (Download)
08.06.2016 X-ray Microscopy, Surface Analysis by XPS in the Lab & with SR (Download), (Downlaod)
22.06.2016 Time resolved XAS (QEXAFS/DEXAFS) and in situ cell design, spatially resolved XAS, modulation excitation
06.07.2016 Combination of techniques with XAS – part I (IR / Raman Spectroscopy combined with XAS) (Download) (Download)
20.07.2016 Combination of techniques with XAS – part II (XRD, ED-XRD, SAXS) (Downlaod) (Download)