Job Openings
We have built up new and exciting catalysis activities including physico-chemical characterization at KIT and synchrotron radiation sources. Our field of interests are exhaust gas catalysis, Power-to-Chemicals, selective oxidations, biomass conversion and sustainable chemistry. Are you searching for a challenging scientific work in the field of
- Technical chemistry, chemical engineering
- Inorganic solid state chemistry
- Physical chemistry, synchrotron radiation or microscopy?
Do not hesitate to contact us (grunwaldt∂ Especially, if you are interested in interdisciplinary research or if you want to conduct a bachelor, master or Ph.D. thesis. Please feel welcome to send us your application or ask us concerning open positions for
- writing your thesis (bachelor/master/PhD)
- conducting your "Vertiefungspraktikum"
- postdoctoral studies
- visiting us as a guest scientist.
Present announcements on the KIT homepage
Wissenschaftsmanagerin / Wissenschaftsmanager (w/m/d) im Bereich Digitalisierung und Naturwissenschaften, Deadline: 15.02.24 (Link)
Jobs within the CRC 1441 TrackAct
You are looking for a doctoral research topic between physical chemistry, materials science, spectroscopy, theory and engineering? Catalysis is a highly interdisciplinary field with many challenges!
Just now the Collaborative Research Centre 1441 TrackAct (Tracking the Active Site in Heterogeneous Catalysis for Emission Control) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) has started. Catalysis is at the core of the initiative that is conducted together with partners in Munich and the synchrotron radiation source in Hamburg. Within TrackAct we want to identify and track the nature of the active sites in catalysts, to design and manipulate them from bottom-up across the various length and complexity scales, and – on a long-term vision – predict and actively control them during operation. Within this program, we thus seek for PhD candidates in various fields from Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Material Sciences to Physics. The dissertation will be carried out within the corresponding participating groups. For more information on the positions and the application process see here:
We emphasize equal opportunity and life balance in the program. Hence, women are especially encouraged to apply.
Job offers (PSE portal)
Tenure-track Professorship (W1) “In situ spectroscopy and microscopy”
Job description
We are looking for a scientifically recognized person, whose research covers current topics of heterogeneous catalysis and who connects it with fundamental areas of in situ spectroscopy and microscopy of materials for energy conversion.
The holder of the Tenure-track Professorship should build a bridge between basic research and applied research, thus foster cooperation across disciplines. Potential areas of work include the electrification of the chemical industry, photocatalysis and electrocatalysis, power-to-X processes and carbon-free energy storage materials such as for example iron. A precise understanding of catalytic processes through in situ and operando methods, e.g. at synchrotron radiation sources, and a cross-scale view should be used. Collaboration in current and future coordinated programmes (e.g. SFB1441, FG HyPerCat, NFDI4CAT, DAPHNE4NFDI) or cooperation with the Research Area Helmholtz Energy is envisaged.
Candidates are to sustainably strengthen the work of Division I – Biology, Chemistry, and Process Engineering in the areas of Catalysis, Energy and Information. The future holder of the professorship is expected to acquire third-party funding and to actively participate in the work of our academic bodies.
You will execute university tasks with a teaching obligation of 6 hours per week per semester, if you have been evaluated positively. In other cases, your teaching obligation will be 4 hours per week per semester. The future Tenure-Track Professor will be involved in under-graduate education in the areas of “Applied Chemistry” and “Chemical Technology” and will particularly strengthen studies in the field of “Catalysis”. In addition, participation in practical terms is anticipated. Teaching is offered in German and in English.
Personal qualification
We are looking for an outstanding early-stage researcher with acknowledged expertise in the area above. For a successful application for this Tenure-track Professorship (W1), the candidate must have acquired third-party funding for a junior research group in a competitive process (e.g. DFG Emmy Noether Junior Research Group, Helmholtz Young Investigators Group, ERC Starting Grant, junior research groups funded by ministries (in particular BMBF) or under the Sofia Kovalevskaja Program of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation), at the time of publication of the present notice, not more than half of the funding period must have expired.
Employment is subject to Art. 14, par. (2) of the KIT Act in conjunction with Art. 51 LHG Baden-Württemberg (Act of Baden-Württemberg on Universities and Colleges) as well as to the Quality Assurance Concept for Junior Professorships and Tenure-track Professorships at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
More details Apply
Mitarbeiter/Mitarbeiterin (w/m/d) in der Verwaltung
Teilzeit 50%
Job description
In der Abteilung „Chemische Technik und Katalyse“ (OE Prof. Grunwaldt) beschäftigen wir uns mit der Entwicklung von Katalysatoren, vor allem für die nachhaltige Herstellung von Chemikalien, für die Feinchemie, die Reduktion von Emissionen (saubere Luft) und für die Energiewende. Wir bieten Ihnen einen attraktiven und modernen Arbeitsplatz und eine abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit in einem internationalen, wissenschaftlichen und kollegialen Umfeld sowie ein breitgefächertes Fortbildungsangebot. Zur Unterstützung des OE-Leiters sowie des gesamten Institutes suchen wir eine versierte Person im Sekretariat mit Freude an vielfältigen Aufgaben:
- Ausgaben- und Budgetkontrolle, Bestellungen und Beschaffungen
- Finanzmanagement Drittmittelprojekte
- Personalplanung (Vorbereitung von Einstellungen/Weiterbeschäftigungen)
- Erstellen von Verträgen für studentische Hilfskräfte
- Teamassistenz, z.B. internationale Kommunikation und Korrespondenz. Unterstützung der Mitarbeitenden in administrativen Belangen, Organisation von Besprechungen, Gästebetreuung, Dienstreisen, Kalenderführung
- Organisation von nationalen und internationalen Veranstaltungen
Personal qualification
Sie verfügen über:
- Eine abgeschlossene kaufmännische Ausbildung oder vergleichbare Qualifikation und relevante Berufserfahrung.
- Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift sowie sehr gute Ausdrucksfähigkeit.
- Selbständiger und routinierter Umgang mit MS-Office Programmen (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook).
- Erfahrungen in SAP Prozessen, im Personal- und Finanzcontrolling und der Budgetverwaltung sind von Vorteil.
- Persönlich zeichnen Sie sich durch eine hohe Zuverlässigkeit sowie eine selbständige und strukturierte Arbeitsweise aus.
- Ein sensibler, verantwortungsbewusster Umgang mit schützten und personenbezogenen Daten ist dabei für Sie selbstverständlich.
- Organisationstalent sowie eine ausgeprägte Kommunikations- und Teamfähigkeit runden Ihr Profil ab.
More details Apply
Previous announcements
PostDoc for the in-situ XAS investigation of electrochemical systems for the production of green hydrogen
Characterization of catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis
Operando X-ray Diffraction Tomography for Catalysis and Materials Research (Download)
Development and operando characterization of heterogeneous catalysts for emission reduction
Dynamik von Katalysatoren und Reaktoren in der heterogenen Katalyse (Link)