

Abstract Submission 

One page abstracts for oral and poster presentations are to be submitted as Word (or RTF) and PDF file via email to symposium∂modegat.orgDeadline: June 15, 2025

Please use the template that can be downloaded below.

One-page abstracts for work-in-progress posters (not considered for journal publication) should be submitted until August 1, 2025.

Abstract Template

Introductory talks of 45 minutes and contributed talks of 15-20 minutes (key note lectures: 30 minutes) will be given.

Oral presentations

Introductory talks of 45 minutes and contributed talks of 15-20 minutes (key note lectures: 30 minutes) will be given.

Technical specifications:

For the presentations, we provide a laptop with Microsoft Office as well as Libre Office. For a smooth process, we recommend using this device and handing in the slides to us in advance. Additionally, it is of course also possible to give your presentation with your own laptop. The beamer has HDMI and VGA Connectors and will use the format 16:10. Other formats like 16:9 or 4:3 are also no problem.


Poster presentations

Posters will be presented in a poster session. They will be on display during the whole symposium. The maximum poster size is format A0: 119 cm height x 84 cm width.


Paper Submission

All contributions accepted for presentations are invited to submit a paper. The papers will be published in a peer-reviewed journal (tba). Information about the submission process will be given during the symposium.