Conference Program


We are happy to announce the following guest lectures:

Monday, September 21, 2025 - evening lecture -

Dr. Rolf Loschek

(Chronos Management Consulting, Cologne, Germany)

Climate Research:

What can we learn from earth’s climate history for its future?



The Earth‘s climate system is influenced by many factors. Simulations using models, developed for weather forecasts, have been adapted and continuously improved to understand its dynamics. Achievements and problems in understanding the climate record, especially of the last 2 million years, are presented and assessed regarding their relevance for reliable quantitative predictions of future climate developments.

  • 1985-1991 Research at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen
  • 1991 Ph.D. in Physics, Göttingen University, with a Major in in Geophysics and in Astrophysics 
  • 1991-1993 PHILIPS Research Laboratory GmbH, Aachen, Researcher
  • 1994-1998 SIEMENS AG, last position: Vice President Telecommunications, SIEMENS Singapore, responsible for 1 Billion annual turnover (0,5 Mrd. €/a)
  • 1999-2000 Anderson Consulting (now „Accenture“), Vienna/Austria, Experienced Manager, responsible for telecommunications business in Austria
  • 2000-2006 PSI AG, Divisional Director Telecommunications; Authorized Representative for PSI AG (Prokurist)
  • 2006-2011 Partner/Senior Experienced Manager at Steria-Mummert Consulting, Hamburg (now part of „Sopra-Steria“), responsible for its German Telecommunications business unit
  • 2011-today Chronos Management Consulting, owner, field of work: Science Management





Information on past MODEGAT symposia